I have an 89 FZR600. All stock with the exception of the Vance and Hines SS2R exhaust. (not the problem yet) The bike was running fine.
1) I ran the bike one day and parked it.
2) The next day I started the bike and shut it down.
3) The day after that and ever since all it does is crank over. It started to start hard cold. Sometimes with ether it would pop but not consistently.
What I done,
1. replaced the plugs with new CR9EIX, checked the resistance on the caps and all tested fine.
2. The bike has good spark
3. I pulled the carbs off and had them cleaned, glass beaded and adjusted by a trusted source.
4. I replaced the carb holders with new ones due to the old had been cracked but still operable.
5. The fuel pump pumps fuel, even tried rigging a funnel to the inlet on the carb rail.
Put the carbs on and still have the same problem. Just cranks and nothing maybe a pop here and there as if it wants to run.
The bike has good compression, and sucks very well from the carbs as well.
After this, the plugs are wet with fuel, and each plug provides a good spark.
It will only start under this condition..
With the airbox off I have to cover the carb throats and crank it over a few times. Let the bike sit in the sun (yes sun) hit the choke and it cranks a few times then fires and runs mint. Granted the airbox does not seat to well, but it runs. While the bike is warm it will start with out a problem but if it sits for a while i.e. an hour it will not.
I am a little stumped on this can any of you shed a little light on this for me?