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Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:01 pm
by deltactu24
Hello all, I am new to this forum and I have a question. I was merging onto the highway and went to grab second gear when the bike just lurched and I was unable to shift. The wheel didn't lock up but I look down as i was rolling off the highway and saw green fluid (coolant possibly) and the chain was popped off. I also noticed that when i started the bike up again I brown fluid (engine oil possibly) being dumped through the bottom of the bike. I got the bike into neutral so I could roll it on to a truck but I cant' get it to shift because its stuck in neutral. What could have possibly broken on the bike? Could I have knocked a radiator hose off to cause the coolant to leak and cracked something on the engine to have oil dumping? Whenever i squeeze the clutch its very light and doesn't do anything, but i can feel the feedback from the springs.

P.S. It's a 1998

Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:16 pm
by reelrazor
Get the front sprocket cover off. I hate to be the bearer of bad news..but I doubt it's gonna be good.

Unfortunately it's probably NOT going to be a simple hose off.

The chain likely saw-whipped the clutch pushrod and may have cracked the engine case.

Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:19 pm
by Target30
green fluid is most likely coolant, you are going to have to pull the plastics off, if you havent already, and take a look. it is hard to believe that the chain would come forward enough to get the hose, but you never know, check the level in you radiator, fill it up if neccessary, and watch to see if it comes out of a hose. as for the brown stuff, pull the front sprocket cover off first, see what it looks like in there, if the chain came off, there is a chance it damaged something in there, and can run to the bottom and out. never fear though, we'll get you on the road, hopefully quickly!

btw, how did the chain come off? was it too loose, or have a clip that came off?

Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:41 pm
by tkclow
If you can post up some pics after you have the covers and plastics off.

Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 2:38 pm
by deltactu24
whipped the clutch pushrod and may have cracked the engine case.
Would it be possible to replace or seal the engine case or am I looking at a new motor?
btw, how did the chain come off? was it too loose, or have a clip that came off?
I'm positive it was because there was a decent amount of slack on the chain because there were times when the bike would jerk around with low rpms. I'm gonna try to open up the bike sometime this week and post some pics... Unfortunately it has been raining for the last week.

Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:49 pm
by Huckleberry
there were times when the bike would jerk around with low rpms.
Heck most fizzers do that anyways but chain slack does make it worse. Man that must have been some really excessive slack.

Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:32 am
by the_finch
Just thought I'd throw out there that the water pump is right in front of the sprocket cover, if I'm remembering correctly. The casing is made of aluminum, so it could be possible that the chain went through the front of the sprocket cover (taking out the clutch pushrod) and slapped the water pump.

But like the others said, it's really hard to tell without pics.

Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:44 pm
by deltactu24 ... 00?lc=1033

I can see where the oil is leaking and I have no idea how to fix that.
I can't see where the coolant is leaking from. As I took the sprocket cover off little pieces of metal were coming, but I didn't see any big pieces. I also found a stone in the sprocket cover. Could that have caused all this?

let me know if the pictures are too blurry and i'll take better ones.

I think I see what you guys are talking about the clutch pushrod. I saw a rod sticking out and thats where the oil was pour out.

Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:26 pm
by tkclow
4 out of the 5 pics are pretty blurry. The very clear one is the pretty badly damaged sprocket cover.

Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:52 pm
by tampaFZR600


Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:58 pm
by deltactu24
Sorry about that. I'll see if I can post up clearer pics up tomorrow. I looked on Bike to see which parts I saw were damaged. One was the clutch rod and one had to do something with the water pump.

Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:21 pm
by deltactu24
I uploaded some more pictures. Its hard to get a good look at where the real damage is done. ... /FZR%20600

Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:40 pm
by bweight
definitely cracked the water pump housing. Thats' where you're getting your coolant coming from.. I might actually have a second water pump housing for a 600 lying around somewhere in the garage...


Gonna need a new cover for sure, and hope nothing on the engine case got damaged..

Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 3:35 pm
by deltactu24
efinitely cracked the water pump housing. Thats' where you're getting your coolant coming from.. I might actually have a second water pump housing for a 600 lying around somewhere in the garage...
how much do those water pump housings run for? Is it easy to replace or should i take this bike to a shop? How do I check to see if its cracked because the engine oil is pouring out from the clutch push rod.

Re: Help: My chain popped off and caused some major issues

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:31 pm
by DonTZ125
I was going to say you need to replace your pushrod, but if oil's pouring out then you need to replace the pushrod seal as well (and hope like heck that the crankcase isn't damaged).

Looking at the manual, I'd say you can remove the water pump from right there, no excavating required.