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Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:33 pm
by Shocka311
So my clutch has been grabbing really far out and the bike is runnin REALLY rich. I adjusted the clutch cable and now its grabbing alot sooner and feels alot better but there is about 3/4 to 1 inch of play in the lever where it is just loose. Is this a problem at all or after I tighten it should it be like this. The exhaust is the old 1990 stock and I pulled the whole dampener stuff out and there was a big ol thing of fiberglass wrap around it. The bike was registered in Cali before so I'm guessing it was one of those lame cali emissions things. I pulled that bastard off and now ist running a ton better cause that thing was restricting air flow. I'm pretty sure that is not necessary but just wanted to check. The other thing is the throttle sticks. It doesn't spring back at all when I let go. How do I go about fixing that. Great for cruise controll, bad for clutch and brakes.

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:41 pm
by reelrazor
Sounds to me like you need a NEW clutch cable...and may need new throttle cables. Lube the throttle ones at least.. and check the routing. There are routing diagrams in the OEM manual.

The silencer should have fibrglass wrap in it

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:11 pm
by 95FZR600
Get a cable luber. They work great.

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:24 pm
by Rial
where do you get the lube and how do you apply it?

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:49 pm
by mossy1200
check the rubber at the end of the grip is not touching you bar ends.

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:33 pm
by sweekster
Shocka311 wrote:... The exhaust is the old 1990 stock and I pulled the whole dampener stuff out and there was a big ol thing of fiberglass wrap around it. The bike was registered in Cali before so I'm guessing it was one of those lame cali emissions things. I pulled that bastard off and now ist running a ton better cause that thing was restricting air flow.
That's definitely NOT the stock exhaust. Stock FZR600 pipes are welded and have baffling tunnels (so to speak) inside-no fiberglass. It's an aftermarket slipon for sure. That can be repacked. The cali bikes had an Air injection system hung on the front of the motor (and surrounding the oil filter) and an exup valve in the header-which was controlled by a servo mounted to inside of the subframe on the left. If your bike has any of what was mentioned then you have cali bike and not just a 49 state FZR that was registered in cali.

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:40 am
by Shocka311
The rubber isn't touching. I would like to know where to lube the throttle and clutch cables as well. As for the exhaust, thats one OLD aftermarket exhaust. I haven't noticed any other emissions things that you described. I think I remember the guy saying it wasn't a cali bike and was just owned in cali for a bit. One more question I was wondering as well. Which way on the fuel switch is reserve and is there an off or just run and reserve.

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:47 am
by sweekster
Shocka311 wrote: Which way on the fuel switch is reserve and is there an off or just run and reserve.
Fuel is down..reserve is up and off is pointing towards the front of the bike

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:18 am
by Shocka311
Good deal, thanks

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:46 am
by mossy1200
Take the throtle asy apart with the two screws underneath.Remove the cable s from the roller underneath.Get a cable lub tool which is cheep to buy from bike shop.Its a small ally billet tool with rubber area that clamps up on cable and cable sleeve.It has a nosel hole that you put the lube can extender tube into.You then just squirt and it lubes within seconds.i have a can of yamaha cable lube.Dont use crc as it drys in the cable and sticks again within weeks.If you have trouble finding these bits let me know and i will photo my tools so you can see what they look like.Clutch is the same.If you have exup system the exup cables can be done as well. ... 240%3A1318

This is link to the tool

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:02 pm
by Shocka311
Just bought one off that link, thanks alot. How do i tell if I have the EXUP system cause I want to get a whole new exhaust system but somewhere I read if I have that i shouldn't. Can you kind of explain what it is and its purpose and benefit?

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:08 pm
by sweekster
The cali (aka EXUP)bikes had an Air injection system hung on the front of the motor (and surrounding the oil filter) and an exup valve in the header-which was controlled by a servo mounted to inside of the subframe on the left. If your bike has any of what was mentioned then you have cali bike and not just a 49 state FZR that was registered in cali.

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:42 am
by mossy1200
Shocka311 wrote:Just bought one off that link, thanks alot. How do i tell if I have the EXUP system cause I want to get a whole new exhaust system but somewhere I read if I have that i shouldn't. Can you kind of explain what it is and its purpose and benefit?
Sweet as.i got the same one and i have lubed about 50 cables so far.Remember NO crc down the cables.LOL
Everyone lives and breathes photos round here.Image

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:12 pm
by Shocka311
sweekster wrote:The cali (aka EXUP)bikes had an Air injection system hung on the front of the motor (and surrounding the oil filter) and an exup valve in the header-which was controlled by a servo mounted to inside of the subframe on the left. If your bike has any of what was mentioned then you have cali bike and not just a 49 state FZR that was registered in cali.
Well I changed the oil yesterday and had to take the headers completely off to do it (I have the old oil filter). There is something surounding the oil filter, it has some hoses and lines but I didn't take not of where they went. There is a hole in the front of it that I can get the oil filter out through though and I do know that it doesn't integrate into the header at all. I'll take a picture when it stops raining. If I do discover that I have the EXUP system on there, how do I get that bastard off? I also have one more question. I'm leaking oil out of the stator cover. Is there even supposed to be oil in there? There is no gasket and i pulled it off yesterday to possibly RTV it but I don't know enough about bikes to seal something off till I'm sure it would be ok. Is there a seal between the motor and the stator which could be bad that is leaking oil, or is there supposed to be some oil that fills the stator housing to a certain extent? If its supposed to be in there, I'll seal it up and hopefully stop my nasty oil leak.

Re: Exaust and clutch stuff

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:49 pm
by sweekster
Shocka311 wrote: Well I changed the oil yesterday and had to take the headers completely off to do it (I have the old oil filter). There is something surounding the oil filter, it has some hoses and lines but I didn't take not of where they went. There is a hole in the front of it that I can get the oil filter out through though and I do know that it doesn't integrate into the header at all. I'll take a picture when it stops raining. If I do discover that I have the EXUP system on there, how do I get that bastard off? I also have one more question. I'm leaking oil out of the stator cover. Is there even supposed to be oil in there? There is no gasket and i pulled it off yesterday to possibly RTV it but I don't know enough about bikes to seal something off till I'm sure it would be ok. Is there a seal between the motor and the stator which could be bad that is leaking oil, or is there supposed to be some oil that fills the stator housing to a certain extent? If its supposed to be in there, I'll seal it up and hopefully stop my nasty oil leak.
Heh..that would be the air injection system (cali emissions thing). That stuff can be removed. That's an exup bike for sure. They don't have a wet stator like other bikes. There's a seal (if I remember correctly) behind the stator sealing the crank shaft. I could be wrong on that though. It's supposed to be dry in there.