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Waking up a sleeping beauty?
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:10 pm
by torvalen
I have bought anold FZR 600 (1992). It has only 10000 miles on the tacho, but it has been sleeping in a garage for four or five years.
I try to wake her up. I have changed the spark plugs, the oil, the coolant and the battery. The pistons are not stuck. Allelectrical systems seems to be Allright (lights, signals, horn, etc....)
When i turn the ignition on and push the start button, I hear the fuel pump, and a "Click". I think the "Click" is coming from the Starter Relais.
However, the engine is not cranking. There'sonly the "Click"?
Could anyone tell me what's the most reasonable thing to do next?
I've tried to hit the starter engine gently with a hammer, it might be stuck after all these years, but without any result.
Best Regards
Tor Valen, Denmark
Re: Waking up a sleeping beauty?
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 12:20 pm
by Fartblood
Nooooo! Unlike a car, the starter relay is not mounted on the starter motor so the old hammer trick won't work.
The relay is under the seat near the battery. Ceck the connections are clean and tight, as I suffered with mine coming loose last year.
Try bump starting it on a hill or incline - if it runs, you know its a starting mechanism problem. If it doesn't you may have other issues.
Good luck chap.
Re: Waking up a sleeping beauty?
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:48 pm
by ghettomedic505
dude same thing happened to me when I first got my bike. I finally diagnosed it as a faulty relay . what I did is just get a screw driver and bridge the gap on the starter solenoid and the bike would start, so I just worked backwards from there and found a damaged relay. there are two relays on the back end of your bike under the tail area check those to see if all the prongs inside are intact or if there is alot of corrosion preventing good contact.
Re: Waking up a sleeping beauty?
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:28 pm
by tkclow
How is the battery, it needs to be fully charged. Also check to make sure all connections are tight.
Re: Waking up a sleeping beauty?
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:51 pm
by torvalen
Thanks for Your answers. I will try it all out in the morning. It's 23:00 over here!
BR. Tor Valen, Denmark
Re: Waking up a sleeping beauty?
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:08 pm
by haro504
could be a few things dirty contacts, kickstand switch, clutch switch, bike in gear, relay, or i had a dirty contact in the start button itself. make sure bike is in neutral when starting.
Re: Waking up a sleeping beauty?
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:11 pm
by shredex
if I remember correctly, your suppose to kiss her...then she will wake
Re: Waking up a sleeping beauty?
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:02 pm
by billy_awesome
Yeah, as stated before, make sure your battery is fully charged. They solenoid doesn't like to work with low voltage. As also stated before the starter solenoid can go bad, and bridging the gap in the connections with a screwdriver will crank the engine, just fold back the rubber cover and try that (BUT MAKE SURE THE BIKE IS IN NEUTRAL!)
If that doesn't work, I would check to see if you have spark by pulling out a plug and grounding the threads on a ground on the bike. Should be a blue spark.
If no spark, let us know, we can show you where to go from there.