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My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:18 pm
by cad600
OK, this is really starting to bug me to death. Had the bike running, push start but running, had the little problem and fixed everything. Now, the bike will not start back up (even tring to push start it). It will crank, I'm getting fuel, I've replaced a bunch of crap already. What happens is I hear the starter selliniod click, push the start button and the thing will crank like a champ. It gets almost as though it wants to turn over on its own and dies. What I've done so far:

1) Double checked all the wires for cuts/frays
2) Double checked all connnections
3) Double checked all grounds
4) Replaced stator/pick up coil (three days ago) with a new unit
5) Replace and correctly gap spark plugs
6) Upgrade to an R6 VR
7) New sealed style battery - pushing 13.08 volts just sitting there. I have this sitting on a battery tender as well
8) Rejet carbs with a Factory Pro stage 3
9) Ran through the first part of the trouble shooting section of the repair manual - everything is in spec except for the resistance on the plug wires. At the end of this small section, it says that if everything works but it will not crank then the CDI is bad. Well I plugged the original CDI back into is, and it still does not work.

So what am I missing? Can the plug wires cause this with out the coils being bad? Will the bike needing a valve adjusment cause this? The frame had 25k miles on it, but I don't know about the engine. How hard is it to change the plug wires?

Help me out before it's too cold to ride.

Thanks guys.

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:26 pm
by 95FZR600
Well, it wont be to cold to ride where you live so if your getting spark then its not your plug wires. You said your stator is good?

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:26 pm
by war2008
i tryd for 20 minutes to put in gear and take off..kept shutting off everytime i put it in gear..oops forgot to put the kickstand

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:33 pm
are you using choke ? are you even using with battery? or just push start ?

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:48 pm
by sweekster
The resistance on your stator/pick up coil and ignition coils are within spec? I'd check those first. Then check for spark. Unless you have valves seriously out of spec then it will give a problem starting so I don't think it's that. If you're sure you're getting fuel then it's something electrical.

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:16 pm
by reelrazor
At the colis, switch the primary connectors(one has one red/white and one grey wire-the other has one red/white and one orange wire) from one coil to the other.

Try this, report back.

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:13 pm
by cad600
As far as the items go - in order of the service manual:

1) Main Fuse - continuity
2) Battery - sealed battery so no way to check specific gravity
3) Spark plug gap .028-.032 - gapped to .030
4) Ignition spark gap - can not start bike so can not calculate
5) Spark plug cap resistance - could not get cap off
6) Ignition coil resistance 1.8-2.2 ohms - metered at 2.0 ohms on both coils
6-1) Ignition coil resistance (2) 9.6-14.4 ohms - metered at 35.1 ohms on cylinder 2/3 coil
7) Main switch - continuity
8) Stop engine switch - continuity
9) Neural switch - continuity
10) Sidestand switch - continuity
11) Diode - continuity
12) Pick up coil resistance 80-120 ohms - metered at 102 ohms

Stator is brand new, kick stand is up, tried this using the starter and push starting, and I'm using choke. The bike does not crank as good with out the choke.
reelrazor wrote:At the colis, switch the primary connectors(one has one red/white and one grey wire-the other has one red/white and one orange wire) from one coil to the other.

Try this, report back.
Should I switch the wires going into the coil or the plug wires coming from the coil?

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:22 pm
by reelrazor
cad600 wrote: Should I switch the wires going into the coil or the plug wires coming from the coil?
You could do it either way but it's prolly easier to switch the small primary wires.

My thinking is your spark is 180° off on each hole.

At this point you probably have to dry off the spark plugs...if you have been cranking and pushing without effective spark you are almost certainly flooded.

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:39 pm
by sweekster
cad600 wrote:
6-1) Ignition coil resistance (2) 9.6-14.4 ohms - metered at 35.1 ohms on cylinder 2/3 coil
That sounds so familiar to me. My 94 1000 recently had the very same issue, which I believe was the reason it ended up sitting for so long in the first place. I got readings of 30 ohms and higher off of the set coils that control cylinders 2&3. The result was no spark and the bike would not start until the coils were replaced. I think that could be part of your problem right there.

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:02 pm
by megaloxana
How many turns on your idle mixture screws?

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:33 pm
by Dragon
megaloxana wrote:How many turns on your idle mixture screws?
+1 on the mixture screws.
I was thinking the same thing while reading the thread.

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:08 am
by M in KC
Maybe you stated this somewhere earlier in your thread but have you checked for spark on all cylinders?

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:54 pm
by cad600
I have no idea about the spark yet. I have not been able to stick a peice of metal into the electrode to see if it will arc to the frame yet.

I also have no idea about the mixture screws. But would this really prevent me from starting at all? I thought this would only help "tune" the bike for idle.

I've never done engine work on anything, so I'm open to try anything since I do not have any real knowledge of my own to fall back on.

My kid got sick last night and this morning so I don't know if I'll be able to try things out tonight.

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:07 pm
by shredex
cad600 wrote: I also have no idea about the mixture screws. But would this really prevent me from starting at all? I thought this would only help "tune" the bike for idle.
your idle might be too low. turn it clockwise a little, put on the choke and then fire it up.
the way you discribe it, it sounds like your idle is set to low.

Re: My turn for a Will Not Start

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:44 pm
by megaloxana
cad600 wrote:I have no idea about the spark yet. I have not been able to stick a peice of metal into the electrode to see if it will arc to the frame yet.

I also have no idea about the mixture screws. But would this really prevent me from starting at all?
You don't need to put any metal into the electrodes. Pull ONE spark plug out and touch the electrode to the engine(valve cover, etc), crank to see a spark. Make sure to leave the other spark plugs still in the head.

As for the mixture screws, yes i couldn't get mine to fire up until i turned them out 3-4 turns.