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Dynaojet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:43 am
by icontender
So my bike came with the dynojet kit installed, but when I pulled the carbs the original jets were still installed. However, the slides were drilled and the needed was installed. So my question is what jets need to be installed and do they need to be from dynajet? More specifically, what size mains, and mids should be installed?

Currently running stock:

main 107.5
mid 52
low ?


if anybody has some jets to sell that would fit my application I could use them.

Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:50 am
by 1BadFZR600
Hello icontender...If they said a Dynojet kit was installed then look at the needle..if it has 6 slots then it has the needles but the main are deffinatley stock....
Question 1: Do you have stock air filter or pods?
Question 2: Exhaust? Slip on? Full exhaust?
I need to know this to see maybe what main jet you need...and you dont need to change the slow jet...

I have just about any jet..since you are a member and live just 3hrs away I will give them to ya...

Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:54 am
by icontender
I have a full V&H exhaust with K&N air filter. I do have the dynajet needle (6 slots) and the slides are drilled already as I compared them with my stock carbs.

What do you suggest I run? I appreciate it.


Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:23 am
by 1BadFZR600
I would try 130's....and turn you A/F mixture screw 2 1/2 turns out.....I will get them tonight when I get home and send them tomm....

Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:45 am
by docrider
yeah i would run 130's that is what i got in mine and i got a full v&h ss2r system with k&n pod filters

Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:54 am
by 1BadFZR600
Yea, gonna send them to him tomm...maybe I can get him running good again..

Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:38 pm
by ragedigital
Here is the best set-up I had:

V&H Supersport Exhaust - Full
K&N Filter
New Factory pro emulsion tubes
DynoJet Needles (clip #3 - kept the 7k RPM blip away!)
DynoJet 126 Mains
Floats set to 22.5mm
A/F were all over, but adjusted them to match each other using a IR Temp Gun
Removed the Air Intake (Frame Coolers) They did have an effect at higher speeds. Left the frame holes open.
Slides were not drilled
All EXUP items were removed and plugged, if necessary

Screamed like a bat outta hell!

Course the 14/49 520 set-up didn't hurt either! WOOT

I tried 130s and they gave me problems. Too much fuel perhaps.

Adding some of my photos if people are curious as to what we're discussing.




Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:46 pm
by 1BadFZR600
Hey RAGE!! What is the jet next to the main called....The slow jet is in the hole..Is is a "MID" jet? And you moving you needles got rid of the 7k blip? I tried all slots and finally had to go with the stock needles......I want to try Factory Pro needles......they dont have that steep jump in them...

Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:55 pm
by ragedigital
That jet is the starter jet.

The one in the hole is the Pilot Jet.

The Jet Needle controls the mid range usually after 1/4 throttle up to WOT.

This graphic helps understand what most items help in what THROTTLE range. I don't believe that abrupt taper on the DynoJet needles does anything until WOT. Usually it's around 1/4 or slightly higher where people have the issue at 7k RPM.


Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:32 pm
by FasterThanUr
With all this talk about jet's and what not I decided to pull my carbs and see what mine had going on in there since the P/O said it had a jet kit.Now im just confused :headscratch: I know there newer carbs because they have a tps sensor and also they still had the caps on the mixture screws.I drilled and poped out the caps.# 1 was at 1 1/2 # 2 & 3 were at 2 and # 4 was turned all the way in.I turned them all to 3 1/2 and now the throttle response is a million times better.Now on to the needles and jets.The needles have no clips and looks like the factory pro needle.The needle has 3NFC I believe it was stamped on them.Is that a stock needle?And now what really gets me is the main jet is a 155.I thought I was seeing things but looking through it the hole is bigger than all hell.Now I would think the bike would run like crap with those jets in there,but I have hooked up a o2 sensor and AFR gauge.At idle it's a little on the rich side,but at WOT it drops back in to the ideal range.The P/O did race it so maybe he cheated and put a big bore kit in there and failed to mention it.It's a lot more torquey in the bottom end than the lady friends F4I and will walk all over it up to about 100MPH.I just figured it had to do with the gearing,but maybe theres more going on there than I thought.
Ok this is turning into a book so Im gonna leave it at that :shocker

Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:57 pm
by ragedigital
If you have 155 Mains and a TPS, then you have 97+ YZF600 carbs on there.

Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:01 pm
by FasterThanUr
ragedigital wrote:If you have 155 Mains and a TPS, then you have 97+ YZF600 carbs on there.
I figured they were probably Yzf carbs.Is 155's what the came with stock?

Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:19 pm
by FasterThanUr
Oh I just found the specs for the carbs.Not sure what year but the pic of the bike has the :banana: seat 97 :headscratch:
36mm Keihin downdraft carburetors
• Main Jet #155; CA mdl = #148
• Main Air Jet #80
• Jet Needle #1,4: N3FC #2,3: N1YF
• Needle Jet 2.6
• Pilot Air Jet 1 #140
• Pilot Outlet 0.9
• Pilot Jet #38

Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:48 pm
by ragedigital
Is it a YZF600 motor?

The reason you can do the "ram air" is due to the YZF carbs. You can't do that with stock FZR carbs.

Re: Dynajet kit question

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:13 pm
by icontender
I had 110 mains in the carbs before but from 1/2 to 3/4 it ran like crap. This was basically the cruising range. So I either had to driver dangerously are accelerate all the time. 3/4 to WOT was bad ass though. I am hoping the 130 mains will cure this 1/2 to 3/4 problem. However, looking at the picture posted (one with the graph) what is the needle taper?