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Problem with cylinder No. 2 URGENT

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 7:32 pm
by Rays84
1993 Yamaha FZR600 GENESIS

in English:
Good evening, greetings to all, this is my first post but I have this problem with the cylinder No. 2 of my motorcycle, the carburetors were already changed diaphragms and consequently they were made carburetion service, they changed spark plugs and checked That if there is spark in all the cylinders, even so when the spark plug is removed from cylinder No. 2 it does not get wet from gasoline but it is NOT activating cylinder because gas is not entering the cylinder, check and the 4 boots that connect carburetors with Cylinders the 4 are wet for gasoline, but still the cylinder does not work, therefore I lost power in my motorcycle and I did not get that it goes from 4,000 RPM, achieving that it reaches 6,000 accelerating very slowly and already when the motor has surpassed half of the Temperature limit, before it happens that just drowns and goes out. I already checked the petrol pump and it worked well, the battery is new, but my concern is that there is no gas passing to the cylinder, since if it were the case that the gasoline would pass but the spark plug would not spark it would get wet but on the contrary Comes out dry.

In advance thank you all for your help and happy rounds.


En Español:
buenas noches, saludes a todos, este es mi primer post pero tengo este problema con el cilindro No. 2 de mi moto, los carburadores ya se les cambiaron diafragmas y por consiguiente se les hizo servicio de carburación, se le cambiaron bujias y se verifico que si hay chispa en todos los cilindros, aun asi cuando se extrae la bujia del cilindro No. 2 ella no sale mojada de gasolina pero NO esta activando cilindro porque no le esta entrando gasolina al cilindro, revise y las 4 botas que conectan carburadores con cilindros las 4 estan mojadas por gasolina, pero sigue sin funcionar el cilindro, por consiguiente he perdido potencia en mi moto y no logro que pase de 4,000 RPM, logro que llegue a 6,000 acelerando muy despacio y ya cuando el motor ha superado la mitad del limite de la temperatura, antes de que suceda eso solo se ahoga y se apaga. Ya revise bomba de gasolina y esta funcionado bien, bateria es nueva, pero mi preocupacion es el porque no pasa gasolina hacia el cilindro ya que si fuese el caso en que la gasolina pasara pero la bujia no diera chispa esta saliera mojada pero por el contrario sale seca.

De antemano muchas gracias a todos por su ayuda y felices rodadas.


Re: Problem with cylinder No. 2 URGENT

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 8:07 am
by rotortech
The problem must be the #2 carb. To test: start the bike with the tank and air cleaner removed. Spray carb cleaner in #2. If the idle increases and the exhaust pipe gets warm, then you know it is a fuel delivery issue. Fix: Take the carbs off the bike and clean out every passage and hole with solvent and small wire or monofilament. Blow all passages out with compressed air. Install the carbs and try again. If it still does not work, do it again. You will do this as many times as it takes to get it to work. It can take 2 or 3 attempts to get everything cleaned out and working. The smallest jets are the biggest problem. If you are paying someone else to do the work, find a good carburetor guy and he will fix it. Tell him to keep the bike until it runs on all 4 cylinders.

Re: Problem with cylinder No. 2 URGENT

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:39 am
by dalton282016
Check compression on that cylinder