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Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:46 pm
by goosefartfan
Well, I had a bitch of a time trying to get the throttle cables back on the carb, until I figured out the easy way.

For the sake of mankind, this is the EASY way to do it.

The decelerator cable is the one towards the front, the accelerator towards the rear.

This is all done with the carb off the engine, and the choke handle disconnected from the frame. This allows you to turn the carb any way you want to get the cable in it's slot.

First, put the decelerator cable sheath/housing in it's (the front) bracket.

Then, by playing with the throttle handle, get as much cable to extend out of the cable sheath as possible. Insert the "can" molded on the end of the cable into it's position on the front throttle "wheel". The thingy that the cable rests in.

After that, put the accelerator cable sheath/housing in the (rear) bracket. Insert the cable in it's place in the throttle "wheel".

I hope this saves someone a lot of trouble!