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Led signal light question??

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:50 am
by wildcard
Hello Guys, I purchased a set of 12v led turn signals (2 wire) and when I wired them up all my lights blink at the same time,

I see the front light have a 3wire set up I believe for a running light and the signal flash and the rear has 2 wires I assume for just flash

I have read in the How To section on making led light blink and I can`t view the pic for the 3wiring diagram just shows a small box for the icon

If I instll the relays that are explained in the thread and only up the 2 front wires, ground and flash same with the rear Will this cure the problem on why all my turn signal light flash at the same time when I turn on my signal ?? or does the bike have a Hazard light setting on the switch that I am unaware of? Or is something wrong with my switch

Would be cool if I could see the wiring diagram of the Led radio shack relay wireing diagram, could some one post a pic or email one to me at I would really appreciate it

Thanks, Wildcard

Re: Led signal light question??

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:26 am
by willandrip
There is no hazard light position and your switch appears to be functioning correctly.

Re: Led signal light question??

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:20 am
by wildcard
Thanks for the reply, good to know that it don`t have that function really didn`t think so was just confused when the relay says turn and hazard on it.

I watched a vid on youtube last night showing where he had 2 wire led light in some rearview mirrors and was wanting them to stay on and also blink, when he wired on the led`s in 2 or the 3 wires or twisted the marker and flash wires together on the single power wire to the led light that it did weird stuff on the bike like blinked weird kept the signal indicator on the dash on and messed with the rear tail light, He explained how he wired in a diode he got from radio shack in each power wire and then attached both marker and flast to the same single led power wire and all worked good the led stayed on for a front marker light and flashed with the signal was pretty cool, and they were cheap at radioshack, I have tried for 2 days to get a few from our local radioshack but evidently the 2 scmucks I talked to didn`t know anything about relays or diodes and the One guy who did don`t work till tomorrow, How do you get a Job in a electronics store and not know anything about electronics, Dumbass

Maybe I could get a Job as a Pilot and I don`t know how to fly a plane, should be pretty easy to lie on the application, Lol


Re: Led signal light question??

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 1:04 am
by wildcard
Hello, I finaly found a pair of LED resisters at Oreilly`s Auto parts which is right next door to the Transmission Shop I work at and I wired them in to the rear left and right wires that would go to the rear signal lights, one wired into the green wire and the other wired into the brown wird and All 4 signal light still blink at the Same Time???? whether just the rears are hooked up alone or front and rears at the same time still no change

Do I need these resister in all 4 corners of is something wrong with my flasher??

This is more confusing than the carb problem I just fixed

Could anyone steer me in the right direction on how to cure this problem, I don`t think I can return the resisters that cost me $13 for the pair today but pretty sure I could return the signal light cause I know the dealer where I got them pretty well, Not sure if I should still persue this problem or install Non LED or conventional lights, problem is I can`t find any that wouldn`t take a week or two to get.

Thanks, Wildcard

Re: Led signal light question??

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:53 am
by wildcard
Hello Guys, Man I finaly fixed the all flashing sighnal light problem, yesterday like I mentined I bot some LED resistors from Oreilly`s and wired them in and they all still flashed the same with no change, well I read a lot of guys wired in resistors in all 4 corners or bulbs used, so I purchased another pair of resistors to put in this evening and I had my reading glasses with me this time and seen the wiring instructions from the 1st set of resistors and I had each end of the resistor hooked to the same blink wire but diagram showed one end on positive or blink wire and other on ground so I rewired it And They Work, Left and Right work like they were supposed to and thas with the front signals not wired in yet , so I went ahaead and hookied up the front signal Leds and they still worked correctly..

NIce come to find out I really did`t need 4 resistors cause with the resistors wired positibe to negative like supposed to in the rear it added the sufficient draw for the flasher with just the 2 rear resistordc, I`m goona return the other reistors tomorrow
