Revving issues?! 1990 3HE, please help!

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Revving issues?! 1990 3HE, please help!

Post by JDunlop3 »

Hey guys,

Bit of an issue with my 1990 fzr600, any help would be appreciated! recently the Voltage Regulator burnt out which ended up with me replacing the battery, bulbs, indicator relay and also the rev counter was burnt out - With a bit of soldering I switched the back section of the rev counter, with all the resistors and capacitors, etc. from a 400 on to the front of the 600 part and that got it working again but the bike will not rev past about 9K and will struggle above 120. There is the same revving problem in neutral and any gear.

I did the 4-pin regulator to 5-pin conversion, fitting an r6 regulator and once that was completed I followed a flowchart with a multimeter and that told me my charging system was fine.

Any ideas? Scratching my head over this. Oh and there was no issues before the VR burnt out.


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Re: Revving issues?! 1990 3HE, please help!

Post by DonTZ125 »

Confirm that you have spark on all 4 cyls - that'll certainly slow you down! If you blew out half your electricals, there's a good chance you've fried one of your coil drivers in the TCI box. Do the checks in this thread, and solve appropriately. If you do have damaged drivers, I can fix it - see the link in my sig below.
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