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Need new plastics for 97' FZR 600
Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 1:10 am
by A-MacDaddy5
What you can't see in this pic is that the fairing set that is on it all ready is, not only, cracked, but also does not fit on the bike at all. None the mounts line up at all and I'm completely missing the lower pieces. I would like to go original but really I just want a complete set that fits the bike
Any suggestions? Websites? Bikes that convert over with no problems?
Please guys I need some help on this. I've spent weeks googling and can't come up with anything
Re: Need new plastics for 97' FZR 600
Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 1:38 am
by A-MacDaddy5
Also I'm not really looking to spend 800 on the airtech r1 convert
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Need new plastics for 97' FZR 600
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:47 am
by acep90
Re: Need new plastics for 97' FZR 600
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:31 am
by pefrey
I would be careful with Beasley. They used to have decent stuff but lately thay have gone to shyte.
Re: Need new plastics for 97' FZR 600
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:35 am
by pefrey
Example. Guy puts pictures up on the second page showing very low quality bodywork from Beasley. ... ht=beasley
Re: Need new plastics for 97' FZR 600
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:15 pm
by willandrip
Iv'e seen that thread on Beasley quality previously.
I would not consider them.....fortunately in Europe we still have some reasonable glass replacements
although the most highly recommended , ARD. no longer produce Fzr glass work.
Just wish I knew what happened to the moulds.
Re: Need new plastics for 97' FZR 600
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:03 pm
by Lorenzai
I would go with Airtech myself, and will be doing so. The glass I pulled off my fizzer was well laid, it was broken due to the previous owners fault and not the fault of airtech.
Re: Need new plastics for 97' FZR 600
Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 9:16 pm
by acep90
This may be a dumb question but can you fit fzr 250 fairings on the fzr 600?
Re: Need new plastics for 97' FZR 600
Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:07 pm
by DonTZ125
Not a dumb question, but I'm gonna say 'No' ...