The bike will not start when the engine is cold. When I go to roll the bike out of the garage ( in first with the clutch pulled in) I can feel the bike move back, stick a bit as if the clutch was engaged, and the come free. I turn the key to on and flip the ignition switch. I can hear my recently replaced pump priming the carbs. When I finally hit the starter I hear the electric somewhat turning over noise and then a sharp stop. After that I either get no turning over or that same noise again. When I try to push start the bike my rear just locks right up. After a couple of attempts of push starting the starter motor eventually decides to work. Please help, I'm starting to get funny looks from my neighbors.
Some possibly related info
-Changed my motor oil with Valvoline four stroke 10W-40
-Bike has just a hair under 20k miles, about 4k have been mine in the last five months
-The mornings are about 50%%d this time of year, I've started the bike up cold in much lower temps with no issues
Any help is greatly appreciated! I'm this

close to tearing the entire engine apart to find the issue