bike won't start. thinking safety switch?
Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:48 am
So finally fixed my clutch and started dailying the bike again. Ran great for a bout a week now. Drove it to work today with not issues. Go to leave for school and won't start. Does not turn over at all. You can hear the ignition relay click and the pump prime but other then that nothing. Starter relay new. battery new. no dim lights. nothing looked out of the ordinary. Checked all my grounds(none were loose) but hopefully they are good. For a while i was having issues with the safety switches causing the bike not to start. Originally the kickstand was getting stuck due to dirt(cleaned that). But it really hasn't done anything like this for a while(it used to do it all the time until i replaced/fixed everything above). Now i am completely lost on what it could be and what i should test. any advice would be amazing. I really just hope i can limp it home so i can work on it this weekend otherwise I am walking. At work tools/school are non existent.