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Buying Tires from Europe.
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:07 pm
by mountaincommand
Sorry to keep beating up this subject about tires even more, but it seems that stores overseas seem to have better selection (when i say better, more than shinko brand).
I am going to plan on ordering from one of these sites. Specifically the BT090 from: ... &typ=77018
they also have a 140/60/18 BT50 ... &typ=49927
Am i overlooking any potential problems running tires from european markets? I can only assume they'd give me trouble if the bike had to be inspected. But in jersey there is no bike inspection, so 'anything goes', kinda. I trust the quality, legality becomes a question however.
Im not looking to cheap out on tires, so if theres any in stock in the US, price isnt a big factor here, so other options welcomed.
Thanks guys. For your troubles heres my fzr at the hawks nest.

Re: Buying Tires from Europe.
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:01 pm
by pefrey
I don't see a picture of your bike. I have not had to look for 18" rears since I switched to a 17" wheel. If you plan on keeping your bike you might want to consider doing the YZF600 swing arm swap. It is the easiest way to get a 17" rim on your bike.
Re: Buying Tires from Europe.
Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:17 pm
by FZR_600_90
I needed a new rear tires too and was out of option so i decided to give the shinko a try, i was pleasantly suprised so far so good, drove it in the rain couldnt get the tire to brake loose. Im pretty happy with it, i did had a bridgestone bt06 beforebut it was pretty much done. I didnt want to cheap out on tires but didnt had any other option for the moment being
Re: Buying Tires from Europe.
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:05 am
by Rooster
based on the legality question if you can buy pirelli, michellin, continental, etc. in the US which are all european manufactured tires (probably minted in china by now) then likely most tires sold in europe are road legal in the US.
Re: Buying Tires from Europe.
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:12 pm
by mountaincommand
Thanks for the replies guys. I got a bit busy, and ended up having to just pull the trigger on the shinkos. I read tons and tons of reviews across multiple sites and it does seem like they arent that bad.
I couldnt deal with the wait, and the added shipping cost at the moment since im gonna be moving 1000 miles south next month. I figured i better be smart.
So i installed them the other day and took it for a quick test ride but i didnt really get to ride on them yet.
also here is the pic of me at the hawks nest. Sorry i didnt realize i botched the image up in the original post.
I will however plan to source out better tires now that i have some buffer time. But in the meantime, i will update periodically on how the shinkos are doing.
here she is mid tire swap. Just because we all love pictures haha.
on a side note. A mag dump pouch makes for a great tail bag!
Re: Buying Tires from Europe.
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:05 pm
by DonTZ125
mountaincommand wrote:on a side note. A mag dump pouch makes for a great tail bag!
Because there's nothing worse than getting caught out with a short mag mid-corner!

Re: Buying Tires from Europe.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:18 pm
by airplane247
hi I am looks for a rear tire as well
Re: Buying Tires from Europe.
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:55 am
by pefrey
Yes we love pictures. Holy beefy fork brace! Nice!
Re: Buying Tires from Europe.
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:29 pm
by mountaincommand
Alright, so ive had the tires on a little while, but i cant report fairly as i havent done much mileage on them. I took them through the hawks for a days riding and then maybe a hundred more miles after that, and overall i felt more confident and controlled while in the lean as opposed to the old nearly bald tires. I had them in the rain, and i wasnt able to break the rear loose under quick jerky throttle attempts

And i felt comfortable at a decent rate of speed in the rain and in the dry. Only thing i havent tried is extreme braking situations. On the previous tires i was able to lock up the front... I caught it though! So i found that limit rather quickly. Time to find the limits of the shinkos!
You guys like pics. Here she was on he last day as a bike in jersey. Put the fairing back on and forgot how great it looks.
oh yeah. I didnt let that old tire go to waste mind you! I lost my burnout virginity to the fzr. Really is a great little bike. 54K miles and she never quits!
and here is a video from some footage earlier this year. I am open to suggestions for my riding techniques. And yes, i missed 2nd gear a few times... dont be mad.
Sadly ive left the wonderful back roads on the north for a new state. Tennessee. memphis specifically. Anyone nearby?