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93 fzr 600 dies on a hot day

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:11 pm
by iyaoyas10
So I was in a riding class today and did an emergency stop and went to take off and the bike died. Went to hit the start switch Annd nothing. The starter doesn't click or anything. The headlights don't come on and neither does the fuel pump. I am thinking the rectifier or the stand switch? The fuses are all good and the battery seems fine. I need some ideas. Thank you!

Re: 93 fzr 600 dies on a hot day

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:23 pm
by goosefartfan
well, since you did an emergency stop, and that's when it all started, I'd look for something mechanical in the electrics.
like, kill switch, loose wire in the connectors, loose cable on the battery etc.

before that, check battery voltage.

Re: 93 fzr 600 dies on a hot day

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 5:17 pm
by iyaoyas10
The battery voltage is good. Today the fuel pump kicked on but still no headlight or starter. I'm thinking the start switch