Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:15 pm
Hi there, i'm having some issues keeping my battery from dying. I replaced the stator and got the newer style Voltage regulator and also got a brand new battery. The bike ran great for 3 days then it just died on my while riding on the freeway. I tried to start and the battery was dead again. So I unplugged my headlights and got a jump and was able to make it home. But once i was home and turned the bike off it would not restart. So i threw the battery on a charger for a awhile and plugged my lights back in (cause it was now dark) and went for a ride. Bike died after only a short ride. Like I said the battery, stator and VR have only 3 days on them. I dont know much about electrical which makes it hard for me to trouble shoot. If you have any suggestions I would appreciate it.