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Yamaha FZR 600 engine issues

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:30 pm
by DaveL
Hey guys I bought my FZR600 last year and absolutely love the bike, I've treated it well but I think it had some issues when I purchased it. Recently (about a week ago now) the bike failed to start and I have been trying to diagnose the issue ever since. Ignition is okay, fuel is okay, but we have really low compression on all cylinders (~60-80 PSI). I suspect that the timing chain has jumped a link, if so, this is a pretty big job I have ahead of me. So here are my question's: Is there something I am missing that is more likely the case? Would buying a new engine be easier on costs and labor than taking apart this one and fixing? Where would I buy such a thing?
I love this bike and don't want to see it go like this, I've also searched the internet for answers but have come up short. Would greatly appreciate some help!

Re: Yamaha FZR 600 engine issues

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:34 am
by DonTZ125
Check your valve clearances. The steel valves pound themselves into the head, tightening the clearance to the camshaft to the point that they don't properly seal. From your compression numbers, your engine is WAY past due for re-shimming.

Re: Yamaha FZR 600 engine issues

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 5:54 pm
by reelrazor
extremely unlikely that the cam chain 'skipped' ..more likely what Don said.

And you have to prop the carb slides up (or remove the carbs) to properly do a comp check on these engines