MOSFET regulator

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MOSFET regulator

Post by ejbones »

Hey all, I just wanted to chime in and say for posterity that I installed a MOSFET regulator in my FZR after going through 2 new replacements which failed quickly.

The MOSFET along with a good to-engine ground (12 gauge) and a to-battery positive (12 gauge) *directly* from the regulator output resulted in a perfect 14.2 volts basically all the time, plus this regulator is runs WAY cooler. Hopefully the stator and everything isn't getting more stressed, but for those out there who needed help I wanted to put in a good word for this solution.

It's only bolted in with one bolt which I bought and added a nut on the back just to be safe.

Just a universal 5 pin Shindengen type regulator: ground, positive, and 3 stator wires.
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