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Fuel Pump Probs

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:30 pm
by mossyoakboy
ok so im not real sure about this, so ima ask all you guys and see what i learn,

so as posted earlier my bike is not getting enough gas, i changed the fuel filter and now it will fire and run for about 1-2 seconds before shutting off from what i am guessing is lack of fuel so i took the gas tank cover off to look at the fuel line that leads into my carb and there is 2 things happening right now, 1: there is a large air bubble at the end of the hose 2: the fuel doesn't look its moving through the line, even when it fires up for a couple of seconds i cant see any movement it there, is this normal? and should i find a way to remove that bubble from the fuel line?

thanks, -evan

Re: Fuel Pump Probs

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 6:08 pm
by mossyoakboy
so upon further investigation i noticed that one of the pump wires is cracked and broken.... i bet thats my problem.....

Re: Fuel Pump Probs

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 6:59 pm
by Mikey
mossyoakboy wrote:ok so im not real sure about this, so ima ask all you guys and see what i learn,

so as posted earlier my bike is not getting enough gas, i changed the fuel filter and now it will fire and run for about 1-2 seconds before shutting off from what i am guessing is lack of fuel so i took the gas tank cover off to look at the fuel line that leads into my carb and there is 2 things happening right now, 1: there is a large air bubble at the end of the hose 2: the fuel doesn't look its moving through the line, even when it fires up for a couple of seconds i cant see any movement it there, is this normal? and should i find a way to remove that bubble from the fuel line?

thanks, -evan
If the float bowls are full the fuel won't move.

I've just read your last thread
mossyoakboy wrote:thanks for your input, i took them all apart last year and cleaned them, i might try it again this summer if some of the smaller stuff doesnt help
Did the bike run ok after you cleaned the carbs?
If not you may have mixed up the Starter Jets & the Main Jets, they look the same and have the same thread. The starter jets are smaller than the main jets. If those jets are mixed up the bike won't start or run.

Ignition ON, KILL Switch ON, the fuel pump should prime (make a noise) for around 5 secs, turn the kill switch OFF then back ON the fuel pump should prime you should hear it. If so your fuel pump is fine.

Re: Fuel Pump Probs

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:54 pm
by mossyoakboy
my fuel pump isnt making any noise now, it was earlier in the week but now its not i got a guy coming to fix the wiring sub harness for me tonight and we will see how it goes and ill let yall know when i get it back, and i dont remember if i pulled the jets out last year or not, i dont think i did because i wasnt sure what all went into that

Re: Fuel Pump Probs

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 7:50 am
by M in KC
Once you get your sub-harness repaired you can verify your pump is working by disconnecting the discharge line from it to the carb bank and running it into a container as you cycle the iggy switch along with the kill switch to simulate the priming function of the pump at startup.

Re: Fuel Pump Probs

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:05 pm
by mossyoakboy
ok so ive got the bike back, and if your on the FB page youve probably seen a couple videos that i put up, describing whats going on now, but if your not ill explain!

my bike will now fire up and run all day with the choke ON, once its warm i can slowly bring it down to about half choke before it will sputter out and die, the fuel pump is working fine, delivering lots of fuel to the carbs but as soon as i basicaly so much as touch the throttle, it will die. after a long while if i give it a real quick full twist itll kinda rev up and if i try and hold it, it will die, but if i let off quick itll keep it alive but barely.

i talked to a guy i work with who was a mechanic for 30+ years and did alot of work with side draft carbs and he told me that i might have a clogged jet or something so i dumped somewhere around half a can of sea foam in the tank..... yea yea yea i know thats a little much but oops o well.. posting.php?mode=reply&f=8&t=12062# ... and im trying to run that through the carbs and see if it will clean em out but so far its still doing the same thing..... so yea....

oh and on a side note, the fan that sits on the motor side of the radiator, is that supposed to turn while its idling or is that a wind powered thing?