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FZR Idle Problems
Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 4:23 pm
by iyaoyas10
so I just bought a 1993 600. it came with pod filters. it idles like crap until it gets warm, but even then the throttle response it not good until about 3K rpm then it acts fine. I dumped sea foam in the tank but it didn't help any. I have no clue if it was re jetted or anything.. was thinking about getting a factory airbox and put on it. any ideas?
Re: FZR Idle Problems
Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 6:55 pm
by kilika2
Do the pods sit directly on the carbs or is there a little piece of tubing or anything to sit them up a bit? Can you upload a pic?
Also what kind of exhaust do you have?
Re: FZR Idle Problems
Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 7:06 pm
by iyaoyas10
It has maybe 1-1.5 inch base on the pods. It has a yoshimira slip on. My camera doesn't work otherwise I would.
Re: FZR Idle Problems
Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 8:54 pm
by Mikey
When purchased my FZR had no power below 3k RPM. After 3K the power kicked right in. I discovered the fault, the PO had messed with the needle jet by raising it to the highest possible position causing a rich mixture. I set the needle to factory settings (put the clip on the second notch down) problem solved.
That said I have a stock airbox and an after market exhaust and headers. All jets are also stock. A rich mixture can and does cause a poor idle and lack of power below 3k RPM.
PODS also breath in warm air. I'd get the factory airbox and start from there, can't remember off hand what size the stock jets are but the stock float hight is 22mm.
Re: FZR Idle Problems
Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 9:19 pm
by iyaoyas10
Thank you. I'm new to motorcycles so I'm learning as I go. But I'm hoping the airbox works. If not I'll have to read up on the carbs