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Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 11:05 am
by nochain
Started the bike up and heard a WHACK! No start. The WHACK stopped the rotation dead in its tracks. Second start ok no problem ran great.

Next cold start the following day WHACK! Got it running and idled fine but decided not to ride it to work in fear of getting stranded since I dont know what the problem is.

What does this problem sound like to you guys>?

Was thinking its the starter but the sound seemed deep into the motor like an interference in the rotating assembly.

Re: Whack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 4:12 pm
by DonTZ125
WOW - that sounds potentially expensive. DO NOT attempt to start it until you get this sorted! :yikes:

Three things spring to mind - fouled / damaged starter gears, marginal hydrolock, or marginal interference in the valve train.
  • Drain your oil
    pull the plugs
    pull the left and right case covers
    turn the motor over by hand (the flywheel on the left makes a great handle)
    inspect the starter gears in the right cover
Let us know ...

Re: Whack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 5:54 pm
by nochain
Hi Don, thank you for the inputs. Those are good area's for me to look into. One piece of information I left out was that I just added a rebuilt set of carbs and I don't turn off the fuel petcock. So Fuel Hydrolock is very possible. I never thought of this being such a violent symptom but it appears that it can and thus it might be fuel hydrolock.