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Problem with the shocks
Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 4:18 pm
by eman50g
So I had to take my handle bars off to take off my ignition off to drill a stripped bolt and of course to do that I took off my fork cap and the spacer came out of it. The problem is I can't get them back in and I tryed lifting the bike to get the pressure off the shocks and try to stuff everything back in and I cannot and the bike shocks are staying compressed. How can I decompress them so I can put the cap and spacer back in? Or is that even the problem?
Re: Problem with the shocks
Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 5:00 pm
by Lastmile
It sounds like you're talking about the preload spacer. It is needed, but it doesn't have to be a certain length. You set that for depending on the preload that you want. When I changed my springs it was a pain. I tried a few thing to get the cap back on. The thing that finally worked was hanging the front end from the ceiling. I held the cap down and had a friend get it probably five turns in.
Re: Problem with the shocks
Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 5:45 pm
by eman50g
Im working in a tin shed unfortunately I can't hang it, I can Jack it up so there is no pressure on the front shocks but I don't know what else to do to get the spacer and cap on.
Re: Problem with the shocks
Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 10:23 pm
by willandrip
There was no reason to remove the fork cap in the first place !
Everything will slide over the stanchion with the cap fitted.
If the weight is off the front wheel ; replace the preload spacer, place a socket and palm ratchet on the cap nut and
press and turn.
You may have to remove the leg completely from the bike to do this safely if it is suspended precariously.
Re: Problem with the shocks
Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:31 pm
by eman50g
ok tomorow i will put the bike up in the air, and by pre-load spacer do you mean collar? how do i decompress the shocks just pull on them? also what is a leg? i work on heavy duty trucks but i am stupid with bikes sorry
Re: Problem with the shocks
Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 2:47 am
by willandrip
The preload spacer is a thin metal tube that is slightly smaller dia. than the inside of the fork tube (stanchion)
It goes between the cap and the spring.( named because it preloads the tension on the spring.)
Once the weight is off the front of the bike; the springs and gravity extend the fork to its limit.
You cannot extend them further.
The leg is a term for the individual fork as in; one side.
You have a pair of forks; composed of two legs.
It may be that your bike has had the fork internals replaced by the p.o. (previous owner) with non standard parts (longer springs and no preload spacer ???). Some have tried this to improve the soft front end .
Here is a link to the forks fiche;
19/39 is the preload spacer. ... ml#results
Part no 20 would be described as a fork leg.
If you work on trucks; you should have no problems replacing the parts when the bikes weight is not compressing the forks.
You do not need to be Superman to compress the springs by pressing down on the cap and threading it into the fork tube (stanchion) when standard parts are fitted.