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changed ignition switch,main fuse keeps blowing
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 6:51 pm
by eman50g
Ok so...
my buddy lost the key for my new 1996 600 fzr off of Craigslist so I couldn't shut the bike own so I hit the off switch and let it die. Fast forward a couple days I drill out back seat lock and had to take handlebars off to get ignition off, so I replace ignition and turn the key to on (also bought a new battery) and nothing turns on so I check the main fuse and it is blown so I replace while bike is off and the fuse blows again. The voltage regulator ground is clean and I remember lights being on while coming home so I don't think it is the regulator. I have been looking on the forums and seen that it could be a short in-between the ignition switch and main fuse. I replaced the ignition exactly like the last one plugged in the plug and what I thought was weird was the blue/black (ground?) wire was connected to one of the blue wires from the left handle bar but also connected to the ignition plug. Could that be it? I don't know how I could mess something up this easy I will post a picture of the two blue wires to show what I mean.
Re: changed ignition switch,main fuse keeps blowing
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:03 pm
by eman50g

The 2 wires had a white plastic peice on it.
Re: changed ignition switch,main fuse keeps blowing
Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:10 am
by M in KC
Electrical issues like this are difficult to trouble shoot two dimensionally. You will need to download/print the wiring schematic off the wiki and start tracing wires. One of the previous owners has hacked the electrical system for some reason. That may or may not be your issue. You are blowing the main fuse because you have an open path to ground somewhere. You will need a test light or a VOM (Volt Ohm Meter) everyone should have these two diagnoistic tools in their tool box. If you don't have one Harbor Freight all but gives them away or any big box home improvement store will also carry them.
Re: changed ignition switch,main fuse keeps blowing
Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:21 am
by eman50g
It just frustrates me that all I did was remove a ignition and a short appears I have a weird feeling about those two ground wires in the picture.I have a test light and meter what would be a good way of going about check wires for shorts? Sorry I'm horrible with wiring.
Re: changed ignition switch,main fuse keeps blowing
Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:53 am
by willandrip
More than likely the old switch was fubar in some/many way(s)
That is why the scotch connector was fitted to give a rerouted supply
When you fitted a new switch (providing that it is a direct replacement) the rerouting may be causing problems.
You definitely have the new battery fitted correct polarity ?; stranger things have happened !
Remove the scotch connector link
It should have a pvc cover over it to prevent what is now bare metal earthing/shorting out regardless..
Make sure your numpty mate knows how much grief he has caused by losing the key .
Edit; Blue/blue black is not a dedicated ground, from memory they are lighting circuits. (cannot get to garage to dig out a wiring diagram) some others might chip in here. ?
Re: changed ignition switch,main fuse keeps blowing
Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 5:45 pm
by yamaha_george
THE WIKI is your friend for all things FZR (particularly the electrics )
Re: changed ignition switch,main fuse keeps blowing
Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 10:52 pm
by DonTZ125
The bLue wire coming off the white three-way connector (from the ignition switch) is for your running lights - the marker elements in the front signals, and the tail light elements in the tail bulbs. For what ever reason, they are Scotch-locked into the bLue/Black wire that feeds the headlights; that black 9-way connector is for your left switch cluster, which includes the high/low dimmer switch. There is some serious crap going on, and there is no reason for that kind of patching.
Start digging, and be prepared to crimp and splice and heat shrink.
DEFINITELY get a copy of the FZR600B wiring diagram - there are enough differences to the '89 W that you'll just get confused.
Re: changed ignition switch,main fuse keeps blowing
Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 1:21 am
by yamaha_george
try this :-
Don will confirm that is up to date enough for what you want.
Re: changed ignition switch,main fuse keeps blowing
Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 7:47 am
by eman50g
Thanks guys I will try some stuff out tonight when I have some free time and report back.