The setup consists of :
FZR crank and case
YZF cylinders
YZF pistons
YZF Head
YZF Carbs
FZ600 Fazer Connecting Rods
Yamaha OEM YZF top and bottom head gaskets
I adjusted the cams following the FZR 600 manual, taking the slack in the chain up on the exhaust side and aligning the exhaust cam mark with the cam cap mark.

Following this, installed the intake cams, aligning the mark on the intake cam with the mark on the cam cap. (Hard to see in photo, but the mark on the cam is a hole right above the white paint mark)

All seems well, but notice that on the YZF head, the mark on the exhaust cap is dead center and the mark on the intake cap is OFFSET from center.
However on the FZR head, the mark on the exhaust and intake cam cap are BOTH dead center.
What the hell should I do!?!? I havent fired the engine yet, but am extremely hesitant as I don't want to bend valves.
Should I align with the offset YZF caps, or align dead center like the FZR head was?
If anyone has done this build with the YZF head and can shed some light, please advise. Thanks.