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97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:08 pm
by 97fzrmonster
Are there any tail conversion i can do on my 97 fzr600? I was looking at a 2002 r6 swap buy i have to make my own seat mount/bracket and i dont want to start fabricating things. I love the looks of the r6 tail on my bike. I dont want a solo race tail either. What can i do to change the ugly tail on my bike. Will a yzf tail bolt on? Im looking for a direct bolt on w/ minor fabrication!
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:42 pm
by 97fzrmonster
I need step by step instructions no BS. Or maybe a r1 tail.
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:57 pm
by thatkid
OK, A lot of these questions that you're creating different posts about have been discussed to death. Please use the search function. You'll find answers to every question you've asked.
There is no direct bolt on tail swap. You are going to have to fabricate. This bike is basically a 20 year old bike and no one makes anything for them anymore realistically. You can get an R1 looking tail from Airtech but you don't want a solo tail. At that point it, it's all fab work from there. But so far, everything you've posted points to a different bike so you might want to start looking.
Also, introducing yourself in the newbie forum goes a long way around here.
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:55 pm
by Valhalla_fzr96
I'm new to this site and fzr's also but I had a custom cbr street fighter and if the laws of modification apply here you should be able to get a different subframe with your desired tail and attatched with minor if not no fabrication I used a 900 're on a cbr and only took very little to do but like he said airtech has the r1 tail but its a single and all you have to do is mark and drill mounting holes I'm probably going with this route myself.
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 12:45 am
you can sift through hundreds of pages via the search an find no answers....I don't know specifics, but you can weld a whole diff sub frame to most old bikes.....this is about Ur only I'm starting to think this forum is "local kids only brah!"...your questions would probably be better welcomed an answered in a street fighter or more open board.
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 1:04 am
by thatkid
NAKED&LOUD518 wrote:It's so hard to get straight answers here without cynicism an veteran posters condescending can sift through hundreds of pages via the search an find no answers....I don't know specifics, but you can weld a whole diff sub frame to most old bikes.....this is about Ur only I'm starting to think this forum is "local kids only brah!"...your questions would probably be better welcomed an answered in a street fighter or more open board.
This particular question has been asked and answered over and over. Even on the other forum it's in Mod's sigs stating, "Before you even ask about the tail swap click here."
There is no cynicism. The issue is all 3 questions he asked have been answered on here multiple times. A simple search will bring them up. We aren't trying to keep the info for ourselves brah. I've spent the better part of a decade designing parts for the fzr and helping out. People need to help themselves with a simple search. The wiki even has info on it. My build thread chronicles it. Google will bring up Heath's site giving you a step by step.
Forgive us if we're tired of answering the same question week after week when a search will bring the answer without waiting for someone to respond.
As for condescending... You seem to be the only one on the verge of that.
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 7:24 am
by Valhalla_fzr96
How do u guys feel about interchanging brands like suzuki tails and tanks and such or are y'all die hard yamaha fans? I'm really liking the gsxr tails but im debating on whether to make this a frankenbike like my last one or keep it in the family.
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:00 pm
by thatkid
Valhalla_fzr96 wrote:How do u guys feel about interchanging brands like suzuki tails and tanks and such or are y'all die hard yamaha fans? I'm really liking the gsxr tails but im debating on whether to make this a frankenbike like my last one or keep it in the family.
Do what YOU want to do. Don't stick to conventional. If you dig the gsxr tail then by all means graft it on.
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:29 pm
by Valhalla_fzr96
Is there any custom tails out there or do u by chance know of a good site I did some searching but didn't find much that would work and it would be pretty sweet to have a tail no one has really seen much of around and thanks for the input
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:56 pm
by thatkid
Valhalla_fzr96 wrote:Is there any custom tails out there or do u by chance know of a good site I did some searching but didn't find much that would work and it would be pretty sweet to have a tail no one has really seen much of around and thanks for the input
The reason you can't find much is because everyone goes the r6/r1 route. So you will be in uncharted waters. There have been a few done but trying to find them will be the hard part. Don't even know where to send you.
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:10 pm
by FZR_600_90
the simple way would be to use the r6 tail and undertail and fix the bracket for the seat , ive tried to cut the oem tail and mold the undertail together it looks great from a distance but when youre closer it doesnt look as nice as i would like and ive putted lots of hour on it to be deceive by the have to work on it some more to get it to my taste but if i would to it all again id go the whole r6 tail, might cost a little in welding but the overall result will be much nicer and less time consuming !
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:39 pm
by Valhalla_fzr96
I can do all the welding so no worries there and if I decide to do the full tail im going to get the subframe for the tail I decide to put on and just weld it on then have someone make the seat to contour the tank and tail together but im undecided on whether im gonna change the tank or not if I do the r6 tail im gonna use the r6 tank as well but I honestly like the r1 tail better and I dont plan on riding anyone (wife is petrified of bikes) so a custom tail or an r1 tail will go perfect for me but anyways I appreciate the input as always but im really trying for an off the wall look on this one my old cbr was a street fighter but I dont want the stripped style from on this one I actually kind of like this front section only I have no windshield but I want that part customized there's just something about the look with no windshield that looks awesome so im thinking of chopping a windshield to keep the low profile look im just so worried about how to do the tail I guess I wish there was like a virtual bike design tool where I could mix and match tails

any of our tech guys wanna give it a whirl haha thanks anyways guys I will keep u updated on the new looks and everything
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:20 pm
by Valhalla_fzr96
Found a badass tail on eBay its 200 and coming from the U.K. and full out custom one seater. Its gonna take some minor fab to get it to fit right but its awesome and I have never seen one like it so it should really set the bike off. I'm definitely going to change the tank in the near future just to look right. Also does anyone have a good process for cutting the plastic I need to do a little cut work on the front fairing and I don't know what to use to make it smooth and more less made that way? Thanks for the change it up idea that kid
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:56 am
by pefrey
Do you have pictures of the tail you bought? I'd like to see it.
Re: 97 fzr tail conversion
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:29 pm
by Valhalla_fzr96
Sorry I don't have this website totally figured out like how to post pics but here is the site url