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new info asap on 1992 fzr 600r

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:32 am
by hondakid64
Starting things off, I'm new to the motorcycle world, just got my fzr last week and rode it for 2 days and the voltage regulator fuse blew, guessing due to a bad vr, but when it did the fuel pump went to, I was told by a local shop here in Florida that it only runs in 2 cylinders since the fuel pump being replaced is cause the cdi is fried as well? Idk how true that is but if so is any onther year fzr cdi interchangeable along with the vr?

Re: new info asap on 1992 fzr 600r

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 9:14 pm
by M in KC
yes all are interchangeable. You want the +95 VR style if you have to replace it and even if you don't. When the VR checks out in these bikes especially the pre '95's its absence can create a lot of collateral damage.

Re: new info asap on 1992 fzr 600r

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 9:18 pm
by hondakid64
Well how about the cdi?

Re: new info asap on 1992 fzr 600r

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:45 pm
by DonTZ125
A 49-state TCI (not CDI, very different beast) with the 8+6 pin plugs is interchangeable with any other year.

Before you go shopping for a new ignitor, swap the harness connectors at the coils. If the lost spark was on 1-4 with 2-3 working, and 2-3 stops and 1-4 comes back to life, it's the ignitor. If nothing changes or you lose all spark, there are more things to investigate - see this write up for more info.

If you've lost spark on one channel, but the other channel still works and the pump still runs, I can repair that ignitor for you. $100 + shipping, and both coil drivers are replaced and upgraded.

Re: new info asap on 1992 fzr 600r

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:07 am
by hondakid64
See my bike don't do that, it runs like a 250cc ninja and doesn't pick up the other two cylinders, I was told when my vr blew it sent all the power to my tci which fried it, is the 92 fzr600' tci a bastard tci and won't change out for a newer modal?