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Totaled my bike
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:04 pm
by Bmansfzr600
Hi all, wensday night i totaled my bike. Was on a test ride( bike has been runnin bad). Finaly got it runnin right. Went around the block. Did great so i went down the street a little further. Was comin back and a lady pulled out of casa ole. Went across 3 lanes of traffic right in front of me. Nothin i could do. Hit the brakes and swerved. Cought her drivers side rear quater panel. I wasnt speeding. And had all my gear on ( i never get on a bike without it). Dont remember hitting her. Only wakin up in the middle of the rode. Ambulance took me to the er. Got a broken right wrist. Left knee is pretty bad and the whole left side of me is badly bruised. Bike is totaled. Pissed me off. Oh yeah it was a full size suv. Im ok luckily. Could have been alot worse and her insurance will buy me another bike. Although it will b awhile b4 i can ride again. Gear saved my life. Reminder to everybody. Put ur gear on and pay attention. Only takes a second to turn tragic
Re: Totaled my bike
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:49 pm
by ragedigital
Hate to hear that...glad to know you're ok.
Two riders were just killed locally here in St. Louis when a bus pulled out in front of them. Be safe out there guys!
Re: Totaled my bike
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 4:32 pm
by Autococker
Oh God Bro!!! Take at easy and rest; glad to hear you OK though. Bikes can be replaced.
Fellow Riders cannot.
Keep us posted on your recovery.
Re: Totaled my bike
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:19 am
by Bmansfzr600
Hi all, here ia an update. Im doin better. Still very sore but im back at work today. Luckily im a supervisor so i have people to do my work for me

. Gotta go see a doc this week to determine if they wanna do surgery on my wrist. Rest of me is ok. Just some road rash and bruises. Its a change learnin to do everything with 1 hand. Not fun. But i have to give lots of thanks to my wife and little girl who have helped me sooo much over the last couple days. Dont know what i would do without them.
Brian. P.s. thanks all for ur support!!
Re: Totaled my bike
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:14 am
by M in KC
It's great to see that your spirits are high. Support systems are priceless. You will be ridng again before you know it.
Your PSA is a timely one for everyone as more and more of us are stating to see warmer temps. Run a wrench over your bikes boys and girls and continue to practice proper gear usage all the time. You never know when some clown is going to be poised take you down.
A speedy recovery to you my friend.
Re: Totaled my bike
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:02 pm
by Bmansfzr600
Hi all , update. I go to the specialist friday to get my wrist fixed. Still sore but in good spirits. Went and looked at my bike today. There is some damage but its fixable. Front forks and triple tree are jacked. Radiater is screwed and gas tank needs replacing along with my headers. The front forks are off a yzf. If anybody has these parts let me know cuzz i will get it from the insurance company. Oh yea the tank is from a yzf also. Went a d looked at a 09 buell cb12r firebolt today. Cant ride it yet but it suuure would look good in the garage till i can ride it!!! Once again im gettin my fzr back. If anybody has parts letme know thanks.
Ps. Typing with my left hand sucks so please excuse my typos
Re: Totaled my bike
Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 12:50 pm
by Bmansfzr600
Hi all, new update. I have had 2 surgerys on my arm and wrist. I am now the proud owner of a titanium plate and 10 ss screws in my wrist and arm. Doin lots of physical therapy. The lady hurts me every time I go (3 times a week). Getting some movement. But not enough. Still in a cast and lots of pain. Damn old lady's in suv's. remember to wear ur gear and b safe
Re: Totaled my bike
Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 4:04 pm
by pefrey
All things considered you are not doing too badly. Keep up with the PT and don't skimp. Go the extra mile if you can, it's the key to your full recovery. Good luck.
Re: Totaled my bike
Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 4:13 pm
by thatkid
I have 3 YZF gas tanks, and a set of triple trees for a YZF. The top tree is coated in gunmetal powder and has the carbon fiber cover with it (hasn't been attached). I have a YZF radiator but no FZR ones left. The YZF will work fine though. I have a full yoshi exhaust system if you're interested in that.
And yes, keep up with the PT. As long as you can.
Re: Totaled my bike
Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 7:26 am
by Bmansfzr600
Yes sir. I am interested in all of that. Shot me a price. I will b getting my settlement soon. Thanks