Racing an FZR / post classic endurance

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Racing an FZR / post classic endurance

Post by moto »

I'm thinking about doing some post classic racing with my FZR600 ('89), and I'd be interested in anyone who has raced one in the past regarding mods & setup/ race bodywork etc.
It is currently in completely standard trim, except for a period Lazer can, and will face stiff some competition from much bigger bikes of the day. Any info or advice appreciated.....
FZR600 3HE '89 RED WHITE BLUE.... 100% original, now getting ready to race!
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Re: Racing an FZR / post classic endurance

Post by tgold »

I haven't raced an FZR600, but I've done a fair amount of racing and I'd say The number one thing would be a quality aftermarket shock with compression, rebound and ride height adjustability. For the front end, I'd put in a set of cartridge emulators as a minimum.

Unless you're willing to fit some 17 inch rims on the bike, it will be tough to find good race tires. If you can find a set of Bridgestone slicks that would be about as good as you're going to get with the stock wheels. They have made a 155/635R18 slick in the YCX (soft) compound for the rear, but I'm not sure they are still making it. One of the Bridgestone slicks for 250 GP bikes would be the best bet for the front. A 125/600R17 YCX would be my recommendation. The 125 width front is a little bit pinched profile on the 3.0" wide stock rim, but it works very well. This is the best race rubber that I know of for the stock wheel widths. I have raced and won on these tires myself on a bike that had FZR400 wheels which would be the same diameter and width as yours. There is another Bridgestone option which is the BT090 Pro supersport tires. In my opinion they do not have not nearly as good grip as the racing slicks, but they do come in the correct sizes for your stock wheels and that's the next best option that I know of.
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Re: Racing an FZR / post classic endurance

Post by DonTZ125 »

There are several FZR racers over on the Archives.
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Re: Racing an FZR / post classic endurance

Post by moto »

Many thanks - due to the regs I have to keep the wheels standard size, I saw most people were using Conti Classic Attack or Avon AM22/ 23 tyres at last year's (very wet!) Bol d'Or classic, I'll have a look for something along the lines of the slicks you have mentioned.

I'll check out the archives too & see if any old timers can remember that far back.....
FZR600 3HE '89 RED WHITE BLUE.... 100% original, now getting ready to race!
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