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help with rear wheel identification

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:37 pm
by desmarat
Okay rear both wheels, forks, and rear shock were replaced by previous owner and I think the rear bearing is going bad. Need help identifing the rim so I can order the correct rim. The stamping on the rim says 4JH R-86 on one part and 17XMT5.00 on another part. I believe the rims and all are from a yzf 600 or fzr1000??? But not sure, anyone know for a fact what bike, what year this is from?

I'm thinking that the bearing is bad because of an issue I traced and leaves this to be the problem I believe. Been squeaking for a few weeks, at first very slight and faint, now it sounds constant "squeek squeek sqheek squawk" faster and faster as I speed up. A few days ago it got worse and getting into first gear it clicked and chunked into gear as I took off, then in third gear as I tried to power around a car it felt like the clutch wasn't grabbing and slipped a bunch. Got a little bit of grinding and slowed down. Drove it normally home. The next day with some advice from someone on here I checked the cable and it was off a bit. Did some clutch cable adjustments and tightned up the chain, drove it today and no slipping but the squeal is still there. I rode it around without a helmed down the block slow in first gear and its coming from the rear tire for sure. The chain is in good shape, all o rings are intact and no rust. I keep it clean and waxed pretty good.

So, any ideas on my rear tire?
Or comments on my issue at all?
Thanks in advance.

Re: help with rear wheel identification

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:44 pm
by DonTZ125
Sure sounds like that's off a '94-95 4JH YZF600. The Yamaha p/n for the wheel bearings is 93306-20469-00; standard bearing size is 6204. The sprocket carrier bearing is 93306-20644-00; standard bearing size is 6206. These bearings are available at any bearing house for a lot less than a dealer will charge; I suggest you get the -2RS versions, with 2 rubber seals protecting the innards.

Re: help with rear wheel identification

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:22 pm
by desmarat
Awesome, :tks: Don!

Re: help with rear wheel identification

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:35 pm
by desmarat
Ya, sorry for the multiple posts, dealin with a shotty internet conenection.

Would it make sense to be the bearing considering it only makes noise when under pressure. IE: squeals when on the throttle, but no noise when I pull the clutch?

Re: help with rear wheel identification

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:41 pm
by DonTZ125
Before you start buying parts and hammering things apart, pull your sprocket cover and draw out the clutch push rod. I would be very interested to see what condition that thing is in ... :headscratch:

Re: help with rear wheel identification

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:44 pm
by desmarat
Rod looks good, what and where on the push rod would show signs of ware and what would it look like. Last I pulled it out it looked good to the naked eye but I wasn't inspecting it for damage.

Re: help with rear wheel identification

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:46 pm
by DonTZ125
You want to look at the innermost tip, where it rides against the ball. Look for any mushrooming, heat bluing, or other indication of unhappy metal.

Re: help with rear wheel identification

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:50 pm
by desmarat
Gotta put the kids to bed, then ill go pill it out and post a pic with my findings.

Re: help with rear wheel identification

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 11:25 pm
by desmarat
here it is.


the other end

What do you think

Re: help with rear wheel identification

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 11:32 pm
by desmarat
Also, you said 94-95 YZF. i looked on and they're description was Yamaha YZF600 95-07. Will that work for me maby? Heres the site page.