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VR placement?

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 3:05 pm
by desmarat
So i had to relocate the VR because my rear end got fractured and i had to cut it off and make an aluminum box custom to fit the new shape. There was no air flow in there and got hot as hell! so i re routed it to the front of the bike hidden inside the front fairing underneath the headlight housing. Seems to be working for now, staying cool up there. The issue i have is that everywhere i read i see special brackets to disperse the heat. Do i need the bracket or am i okay with it where it is staying cool and away from moisture and debris.

Thanks in advance.

Re: VR placement?

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:00 pm
by DonTZ125
Any good metal-on-metal mount will dissipate a major chunk of heat. The main trick to maintaining your VRR in a working state is to prevent the heat from being generated by establishing a good ground. A bad ground is THE killer of shunt-style VRRs. I see you have the new style VRR - good so far. Consider splicing in a secondary ground wire near the connector; a length of 12ga wire run directly to an engine crankcase bolt will help keep your regulator much happier.

Re: VR placement?

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:13 pm
by desmarat
will do DonTZ125, thanks again man!