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which rear shock: 2006-7 r6 or same year gsxr 750?

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:03 am
by goosefartfan
please help me decide. Everything I know comes from this site!

Background: I only ride on the street. 6'0", 210 with gear. Ain't got no money. 1992-3 FZR600. (Title says 1992, but it's got double headlights, and the title is for a rebuilt cycle).

The r6 shock.................. looks better, somehow, quality wise.
............seems to have a larger reservoir.

The gsxr half the price ($30 vs. $70).
................from what I've read here, seems to be the easier install.

Most important: Which is the easier install? (I don't have machinist friends)
Which shock is better?
What diff. does the larger reservoir make?
Do they have the same adjustments?

I know that the r6 shock is 25lbs/in stiffer, and is still not enough for someone my, ahem, well endowed proportions. I will probably put in the old FZR spring....

If I put in the FZR spring, any advice on how to modify it to make the sag where it's supposed to be?


Re: which rear shock: 2006-7 r6 or same year gsxr 750?

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:27 am
by pefrey
Why are you replacing the rear shock? If you don't have to, don't.

I don't know which is easier to install but I doubt either of them are bolt in.
I'm fairly certain you will have to get a new spring and more than likely, somebody to install that spring on the shock for you.
A larger resevoir will have no impact on your riding. Typically a larger resevoir is better at dissapating heat. That's it AFAIK.

Which shock is better? They are equal. (somebody will probably chime in their opinion, but this is mine for your purpose)
Do they have the same adjustments? Yes. (same disclaimer as above)

which rear shock: 2006-7 r6 or same year gsxr 750?

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:48 am
by Redoliander
I'm not sure about the gsxr shock but I just installed the r6 shock. At first I just installed it with the spring it came with. I got some washers to make up the 10mm space and put a bushing? In the bolt hole to make up the difference of bolt sizes. And ground down the bottom of the shock to fit the arm. First impression was the spring was WAY too soft! So pulled it off and had a Maintanance guy at work swap the springs for me. WOW! What a difference. It's stiff at the lowest settings. Still have to set it up but I like it. I'm 200 without gear by the way. But why do you want to replace it? I did mine cause the shock was rusted and looked like crap due to the battery leaking on it.

Re: which rear shock: 2006-7 r6 or same year gsxr 750?

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:42 pm
by goosefartfan
I want to replace it b/c

1. it's more than 20 years old. The speedo says 22,000 miles, but since it's a rebuilt, I can't be sure.
2. I want to improve the handling, period. I also need to stiffen up the front.
3. I love improving things (my life excepted!)

For those who haven't read about the gsxr switch, I bring you........... ... opic=34497

He makes it sound as easy as falling out of bed.

A lot of you asked why replace it? I'm kind of surprised at the reaction. I thought it was a no brainer.....??

which rear shock: 2006-7 r6 or same year gsxr 750?

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:51 pm
by Redoliander
It's barely getting broken in at 22000 miles. Buth my 91 and 96 read 45000 from the PO and they sat in a storage unit for 10+ years. My 05 FZ6 is 35000+, I really don't know cause for 4 years I didn't have a speedo due to a crash.

I understand you wanting to upgrade. It's fun and gives you a result. It just depends on which shock you want and how easy or hard it will be to install. Just remember you will probably need to install the fzr spring on either shock. Shops usually charge $30 to do that.

Re: which rear shock: 2006-7 r6 or same year gsxr 750?

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:37 am
by Kevadlilleke
Have you seen this: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=9310 ?

Re: which rear shock: 2006-7 r6 or same year gsxr 750?

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:18 am
by goosefartfan
Kevadlilleke wrote:Have you seen this: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=9310 ?
yeah, I've seen it, but it doesn't answer my questions. Thanks!

Re: which rear shock: 2006-7 r6 or same year gsxr 750?

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:09 am
by ragedigital
goosefartfan wrote:A lot of you asked why replace it? I'm kind of surprised at the reaction. I thought it was a no brainer.....??
I think you answered your own question.
goosefartfan wrote:Ain't got no money.

If you're only riding on the street and you really have no money, then why spend the money to get it changed out?

No, it's not the greatest shock of all time, but for street riding it's fine.

If you get serious about it and have some cash saved up, ThatKid may have some more R6 shock kits that bolt right in (viewtopic.php?f=18&t=9310).

You can also then go to Race Tech and get some new fork springs.