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my fzr '90 build

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:14 pm
by FZR_600_90
Bought my '90 Fzr last summer but didnt do much on it till now !
When i bought it it had a yoshimura slip on that sounded good but way too loud
The previous owner gave me a yzf 750 mufflermuffler
I did install it so i dont get pull over and its quiet but i really like the sound of it
Two left mirror
With the new mirror

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:15 pm
by FZR_600_90
This ugly tail needs to go
New solo seat
Solo seat painted and ive started to remove the sticker
Chop chop
Some fiberglass done to the tail (far away from done)
New overflow tank, i choose that so i could ses my coolant level easily, its a tight squeeze but it fits and doesnt leak
R6 led sequential tail light and r6 undertail with led licence plate light

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:20 pm
by FZR_600_90
Some fiberglass done but a long way still to go
Look what i got in the mail

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:30 pm
by FZR_600_90
Some More stuff that i ordered

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:10 pm
by Genesis
Looks like it is coming along, looking good nice job on the tail. theres a good writeup on the shock install in the wiki. And I think someone just installed those gauges. You might do some looking.

Sent from my C771 using Tapatalk 2

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:04 am
by Harrysf707
Tell me how well the gear indicators work after you install them. I'm thinking of getting them but, haven't seen or heard of anyone using them.
Looks very nice, btw. Post some pictures after you're done!

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:55 pm
by Genesis
Any updates on this build, I am watching with eager anticipation, since my build is stalled.

Sent from my C771 using Tapatalk 2

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:36 am
by Lastmile
Is that a direct replacement gauge? Where can I find one of those? I was thinking about the r6 swap but buy the time you buy the gauge, sensor, wiring and speedo healer it just doesn't make sense to me.

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:20 pm
by Genesis
Lastmile wrote:I was thinking about the r6 swap but buy the time you buy the gauge, sensor, wiring and speedo healer it just doesn't make sense to me.
Not trying to hyjack the thread but, the r6 gauge is not that bad, but I would recommend the r1 instead, the RPM's match better.

Sent from my C771 using Tapatalk 2

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:33 am
by FZR_600_90
The project is on hold since i didnt had the space to work on it this gonna take the bike out in a little More than 2 weeks and around the month of may im gonna take the bike apart and do all the work i hâve to do
I got scam on the frame slider never received them so im gonna order them again
And ill be looking for a new slipon as well

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:24 pm
by FZR_600_90
Some progress
New front turn signal

Working on fitting the undertail with fiberglass

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:54 am
by thatkid
No place to put frame sliders on an FZR so don't waste your money buying them. Also, fiberglass, plastic and bondo combined is just asking for trouble. Fiberglass really doesn't like to stick to plastic and bondo doesn't really like to flex or it cracks. I wish you luck, but you have a trifecta of bad right now. I know from trying to fix some OEM fairings with fiberglass patch panels. didn't last long. Maybe, and this is a big one, if you drill through the fiberglass and plastic and let the resin seep through the holes and add a small amount of fiberglass cloth on the underside, you can keep it together. I got really good at plastic welding though because of this situation.

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:20 pm
by FZR_600_90
i did sand the plastic with a heavy grit sandpaper it will hold up fine, i saw somewhere how was the right way to install fram slider on a fzr so that the way im gonna go i dont want to fix my fairing again once ill be done with it

the tail should be painted in the next few days temperature is warming up real good and i just cant wait to ride again !

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:48 pm
by FZR_600_90
I did go fast for the préparation for the painting and it shows...the fitment of the undertail isnt anywhere near what i wanted so ill hâve to work on it again but for now i was too much in a hurry to ride again so hères some pic after my first spin

Re: my fzr '90 build

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 3:28 am
by willandrip
What do you think of the lever quality once they arrived ?
Did you not find the grips were a very hard plastic and were uncomfortable after a longish ride.?
I would be interested in your gear position indicator revue if you fancy doing a write up.

Can you strip and repack the Yoshi ? The YZF one looks like it's on the way out .

Bet you cannot wait to be rid of all that snow.

Forgot to add; lots used to swap sides with the micky mouse mirrors ; you get a lot better view. :thumbsup: