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Bike Cuts Out at Speed - Help!

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:28 pm
by WSM
Hey y'all.

I'm in the middle of a month long tour and need some help.


Either accelerating hard or just gently, the power just completely cuts off. No burble, no nothing. The tach just drops to 0.
It seems to only happen in 5th / 6th gear, and what's particularly odd is that you'd think the bike would lock up and things get squirrely, but it seems like its pops it out of gear and it just coasts.
The bike starts right back up if you hit the starter.

It doesn't seem to be dependent on a hot / cold engine.
But definitely seems to be directly related to heavy acceleration.

And it seems all around inconsistent.
It will happen twice in ten miles, then not again for the next 100.


Re: Bike Cuts Out at Speed - Help!

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:10 am
by pefrey
This is just a guess, but you are not getting gas to the carbs (from the tank) quickly enough to keep the fuel level up (in the carbs) to keep running. I think the gear you are in is coincidental to the problem.

Some reasons for this problem could be (in order of that I think is most likely to least likely)

1. Plugged fuel filter
2. Fuel pump is crapping out or is plugged.
3. Fuel pickup in the tank is plugged.

There may be other reasons but I'd start there.

Re: Bike Cuts Out at Speed - Help!

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:33 pm
by WSM
Another buddy thought it was something in the ignition, maybe a short in a switch (Run/Stop switch, coils, or kickstand kill-switch).
So today I fiddled around with possible electrical problems, cracking open some switches and making sure no wires under the gas tank were being pitched.

But you have me thinking more about the fuel delivery.
The local shop didn't have a fuel filter that fit the hoses I have going in/out of the filter, so I am using what I think is an off road filter. It's much bigger than the original, and it always seems to be full, so i thought I was safe. (but then again, when the bike is drawing a lot of fuel under acceleration, who knows if it's keeping up)

As for the fuel pump:
I have noticed recently the pump doesn't always kick on when I hit the Run switch. Sometimes I'll hear a little ticking, then the pumps characteristic "blurp blurp" will kick in. Sometimes I can induce the "blurp blurp" of the fuel pump by turning the switch to Stop, then Run again and it will kick in.

Thanks for the help!

Re: Bike Cuts Out at Speed - Help!

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:35 pm
by WSM
Ok. I'm pretty sure this is an ignition coils issue.

When it dies the tach drops, but the engine is still turning over while coasting to a stop.

Any recommendations on coil assemblies?
Go for OEM, or are there any good upgrades / aftermarket?

Re: Bike Cuts Out at Speed - Help!

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:52 pm
by DonTZ125
WSM wrote:When it dies the tach drops, but the engine is still turning over while coasting to a stop.
This is an ignition cut, then. The tach flatlines because the TCI isn't triggering the coils. The engine WILL still be turning over so long as the bike is in gear with the clutch out. For the engine to suddenly stop while hard-connected to the rear wheel at 120km/h would be a fairly horrific crash.

Check your kill switch, TCI connectors and 10A ignition fuse for security and condition. Also check your sidestand switch and sidestand spring - is it keeping the stand tucked up nice and tight? If a good bump drops the stand such that it's no longer closing the switch, your ignition will cut out. Check the sidestand connector, and the connector at the main relay (left side behind the seat panel).