Fzr600 down on power suddenly, then won't start
Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:15 pm
Ok so as some of you may or may not know I had some issues with my 99 fzr 600 about a month ago and it turned out to be the voltage regulator which I promptly ordered and it fixed the problem (after frying my brand new battery of course!). Since then I've ridden the bike about 7-8 times with no probs whatsoever. Today i go to take it out after work, make it about 1 km from my house and it starts bogging down while trying to accelerate in 2nd and 3rd. I Immediately turn around to come home and the first stop light I get to it stalls and wont restart. I had to walk the damn thing back home uphill!
I know my description is vague at best, but any ideas as to what this could possibly be? I checked the gas tank, plenty of fuel in there but not sure else what it could be. Battery is good and engine turns over no prob, almost sounding like it wants to start but it just wont catch. Before the did the voltage regulator it ran mint, and after it did also, until today
I also have my M2 roadtest in 3 days from now and if I dont take the test I have to get my learners permit all over again because it will expire.....f*ck me
I know my description is vague at best, but any ideas as to what this could possibly be? I checked the gas tank, plenty of fuel in there but not sure else what it could be. Battery is good and engine turns over no prob, almost sounding like it wants to start but it just wont catch. Before the did the voltage regulator it ran mint, and after it did also, until today

I also have my M2 roadtest in 3 days from now and if I dont take the test I have to get my learners permit all over again because it will expire.....f*ck me