Help! cant get my FZR6 to idle right!
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:08 pm
Hey guys, Im having a heck of a time with my 99 FZR 600...heres a little backstory on the bike. my step bro dropped it about 2 years ago and decided
he didnt want to ride it anymore so he put it in a storage unit. The bike sat untouched for 2 years in storage, and one day we were talking about motorcycles
and he told me about his FZR. i was interested, so a couple days later he called me up and said "hey, you want that motorcycle?" i said, "heck yea i do, how much?"
he answered "nothing...its yours". after a few moments of being in shock, i realized that he was GIVING me the bike for free!
sooooo back on track here, After getting the bike back to my house, i checked it over really good. There were a few broken pieces from when he dropped it
that ive already replaced, and i figured since it sat for so long that it needed to have the carbs pulled and cleaned.
So i did just that, I cleaned them VERY well with carb cleaner and compressed air. Carbs back on, Fresh gas, new fuel filter, the bike started up but would not
idle for anything. I could rev it up and it ran great at higher RPMs, but when I let off the throttle the rpms would hang pretty high, around 2k to 2.5k for several
seconds. then the idle would finally drop down to around 1k, then slowed down until it died.
I started doing alot of online research on what could cause this idling problem. it seemed like the main causes were the emulsion tubes wearing out, carbs
being out of sync, carb boots being cracked causing a vacuum leak, clogged jets, that kind of stuff. Kind of sounds to me like its running too lean but
i could be wrong. so first, i pulled the carbs back off, went through them
again with carb cleaner and compressed air, this time i removed every jet on every carb and cleaned each piece separately. i went ahead and ordered
4 new OE emulsion tubes, new jet body gaskets and new float bowl gaskets so went they came in i installed all of the new parts. while the carbs were off,
i removed the carb boots and cleaned and inspected them. there were some cracks but none of the cracks went all the way through the rubber, but i went ahead
and sealed the boots with "right stuff" silicone gasket maker just to be sure. I also checked the choke circuit to make sure none of the chokes were sticking or hanging
up. I bench synced the carbs using a method i found online somewhere, cant remember who it was but it looked like it worked. I adjusted all 4 air/fuel screws
to 2 1/2 turns out, thats what I found to be the correct factory settings.(is that right?)
when putting the carbs back on the bike, i verified that the throttle linkage was routed and adjusted properly, there is enough free play in the cables so
they allow the throttle plates to close completely and still have a little slack after they close.
ok, so after doing ALL of this, the bike runs exactly the same as is did after the first carb cleaning!!! the rpm's still hang, and when they finally drop to idle,
it ends up dying.
There are a few mods on the bike, Has a D&D slip on pipe,(LOUUUD), a K&N Air filter in the stock airbox, and 118 main jets, which brings me to my next question...
im assuming the owner that had this bike before my brother put these 118 main jets in because of the slip on pipe and KN air filter, Are those jets ok to run or do
I need smaller ones? the other jets are all stock sizes, the mains are the only ones that have been changed. sorry ive written an entire book about this bike, but it seems people never give enough info when they ask for help so i wanted to give as MUCH info
as possible to get the best answer
sooooo what am i missing here!?!? LOL
thanks so much in advance for any help or advice!!
he didnt want to ride it anymore so he put it in a storage unit. The bike sat untouched for 2 years in storage, and one day we were talking about motorcycles
and he told me about his FZR. i was interested, so a couple days later he called me up and said "hey, you want that motorcycle?" i said, "heck yea i do, how much?"
he answered "nothing...its yours". after a few moments of being in shock, i realized that he was GIVING me the bike for free!

sooooo back on track here, After getting the bike back to my house, i checked it over really good. There were a few broken pieces from when he dropped it
that ive already replaced, and i figured since it sat for so long that it needed to have the carbs pulled and cleaned.
So i did just that, I cleaned them VERY well with carb cleaner and compressed air. Carbs back on, Fresh gas, new fuel filter, the bike started up but would not
idle for anything. I could rev it up and it ran great at higher RPMs, but when I let off the throttle the rpms would hang pretty high, around 2k to 2.5k for several
seconds. then the idle would finally drop down to around 1k, then slowed down until it died.
I started doing alot of online research on what could cause this idling problem. it seemed like the main causes were the emulsion tubes wearing out, carbs
being out of sync, carb boots being cracked causing a vacuum leak, clogged jets, that kind of stuff. Kind of sounds to me like its running too lean but
i could be wrong. so first, i pulled the carbs back off, went through them
again with carb cleaner and compressed air, this time i removed every jet on every carb and cleaned each piece separately. i went ahead and ordered
4 new OE emulsion tubes, new jet body gaskets and new float bowl gaskets so went they came in i installed all of the new parts. while the carbs were off,
i removed the carb boots and cleaned and inspected them. there were some cracks but none of the cracks went all the way through the rubber, but i went ahead
and sealed the boots with "right stuff" silicone gasket maker just to be sure. I also checked the choke circuit to make sure none of the chokes were sticking or hanging
up. I bench synced the carbs using a method i found online somewhere, cant remember who it was but it looked like it worked. I adjusted all 4 air/fuel screws
to 2 1/2 turns out, thats what I found to be the correct factory settings.(is that right?)
when putting the carbs back on the bike, i verified that the throttle linkage was routed and adjusted properly, there is enough free play in the cables so
they allow the throttle plates to close completely and still have a little slack after they close.
ok, so after doing ALL of this, the bike runs exactly the same as is did after the first carb cleaning!!! the rpm's still hang, and when they finally drop to idle,
it ends up dying.
There are a few mods on the bike, Has a D&D slip on pipe,(LOUUUD), a K&N Air filter in the stock airbox, and 118 main jets, which brings me to my next question...
im assuming the owner that had this bike before my brother put these 118 main jets in because of the slip on pipe and KN air filter, Are those jets ok to run or do
I need smaller ones? the other jets are all stock sizes, the mains are the only ones that have been changed. sorry ive written an entire book about this bike, but it seems people never give enough info when they ask for help so i wanted to give as MUCH info
as possible to get the best answer

sooooo what am i missing here!?!? LOL
thanks so much in advance for any help or advice!!