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94 FZR600 replace clutch cable

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:38 am
by skunkwork
Hello Everyone,

I like to say hi to everyone and I just bought another FZR600, it's a 1994. This is now my third and hopefully I'll keep this one. Anyways the clutch cable snapped on me 2 days ago so I'm now in the process of replacing it. I just ordered a motion pro cable and should be getting it by end of this week. In the meantime I thought of taking off the front cover and it is FILTHY. Anyways I've notice a screw inside all the dirt I'm wondering where that screw came from. Here are some pictures. I've also read on here that I should retain the clip from the old cable but I can see that the installation is pretty straight forward and I don't notice any clip.

As you can see how filthy the cover is. I've read I can clean it with brake cleaner but I'm thinking of using engine degreaser and blasting the cover and the area around the front sprocket. Is there any downside of using engine degreaser instead of brake cleaner?

Any help can be appreciated.





Re: 94 FZR600 replace clutch cable

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:10 am
by DonTZ125
It's on the outside of the engine cases, and there's nothing that needs a clean surface (like brake rotors!), so there's no reason to NOT use degreaser. Just shield your chain from overspray - you don't want that degreased ...

Take a very close look at your sprocket - is the lock washer mashed against the nut? I can't tell from the pic.

Re: 94 FZR600 replace clutch cable

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:28 pm
by skunkwork
Thanks for the quick reply. So the clip is to keep the clutch cable in place between the lever and the front sprocket cover. I haven't route my new cable yet so I'll be sure to look for it when I get my new cable.

The nut is mashed against the front sprocket

New question: it seems the gasket is tearing into pieces so I'll need a new gasket. Is that called the front sprocket cover gasket?


Re: 94 FZR600 replace clutch cable

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:46 pm
by DonTZ125
skunkwork wrote:Is that called the front sprocket cover gasket?
Yes, but I don't actually know that it serves any purpose whatsoever ...

Re: 94 FZR600 replace clutch cable

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:51 pm
by skunkwork
ok I finally found it, it's the left crankcase cover/front sprocket cover gasket. You may be right I don't think it does anything but for $9 I'll just get one and put it on. Maybe it traps all the dirt from trying to get out :duh:

Why is it so filthy, I guess that last owner never took off that cover and clean it.

Re: 94 FZR600 replace clutch cable

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:34 pm
by skunkwork
My clutch cable is finally here and I have it taped against the old cable and pull it along. I found out it's easier to pull up then to pull down. I put it in the sprocket cover and now I forget if that cable was supposed to be on top of the petcock or under.

I have it under the petcock and I'm not sure if the pressure from the cable pressed up against the petcock has caused it to leak but gasoline started dripping from the petcock so I had to turn it to the off position.

I then started the bike and let it idle and put the petcock back to the on position and the leaking has stopped.

My question is: Is my petcock about to go out and will need to be replaced? Did I somehow damage it by putting pressure on it from the clutch cable? Is it normal for small amount of gasoline to leak from the petcock?

I'm still trying to figure out where this screw come from. It was buried inside all the grease and dirt when I removed the sprocket cover. Anyone has any idea what that screw can possibly come from.


Any help is greatly appreciated