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Should i buy a fzr600

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:43 am
by fz400ruk
Right boy and girls looking at a 1995 fzr600 for sale.

now i'm a honda man you cant deny they in this age period where well built

i like the look of the fzr but not to sure about build quality also worried about isues with gearbox someone told me they are an issue?

is this true what sort of milage have people got on theirs?


Re: Should i buy a fzr600

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:42 am
by reelrazor
Build quality? They sold them for 12-13 years(? longer in other markets), pretty much unchanged, with only minor revisions....and sold a crap ton of them

Issues with gearbox are generic gearbox issues that all fairly low priced bikes(actually many pricey ones too)-many bought/owned by relatively unexperienced riders.....these are the same gearbox issues that full on motocross bikes-as well as big v-twins have...namely second gear damage and wear. This is purely a riding style/experience problem...rushed shifts to second ding the engagement dogs...repeated poor shifts increase the damage..second gear gets 'skippy'..I've had and ridden a number of old hondas with the exact same 'problems'....

The other issue that comes up is countershaft bearing failure....this is less riding style, but more a maintenence style problem...overly tightened chains accelerate this wear.

Yep, Honda had pretty nice stuff. You'll notice the Hondas feel more 'polished' me rather generic feeling. The Yamaha will have more personality.

I'd say if the price is right, and you like the it. The previous ownership will likely make or break your perception of these bikes (or any for that matter), so chose wisely. Sounds to me like you are in a position to walk away from the so if anything feels hinky to you

Re: Should i buy a fzr600

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:55 am
by Genesis
Good advice reelrazor!

Sent from my C771 using Tapatalk 2

Re: Should i buy a fzr600

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:57 am
by willandrip
You made a nice job of your FZ,
I felt for you when you had to sell it !
The Fzr is pretty similar in build quality (steel frame) but has a few refinements so things will be very familiar.
They are "cheap as chips" over here and good ones are easy sourced.
Parts are very readily available.
Go on ,buy it,you know you want to.!
Hondas have no soul.(excluding an RC 30 or some of the 400's)