need help changing rear tire

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need help changing rear tire

Post by tclayton9 »

can someone give me the steps to install the rear tire. I have a clymer manual but its not help one but, for one, because my bike has an extended swingarm
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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by kilika2 »

I don't know how much help this will be but here are some generic steps. Put the bike on a stand. Remove the cotter pin and bolt from the rear axel. Put slack on the chain. Some times i had to run the tension bolts back on the end of the swing arm. Remove chain if you have a masterlink type. If you don't then you have to wait until the whole rear wheel assy is off. Remove the whole axel bolt and the wheel should drop. You might have to wiggle it a bit. Now all this was with a stock swing arm, with an extended swing arm it might be different. That help out? If not maybe a picture of your sa would help.

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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by tclayton9 »

when I put the tire on the brake caliper well not slide down enough for me to put the long tire bolt through. there is a small collar that fits into the right side of the tire behind the disc. its bulging out. for some reason I can't push it in to get enough clearance for the caliper to fit. and when I tighten the tire, do I tighten as tight as I can, or should I tighten enough so the wheel can move freel.
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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by pnbell »

The Wheel should always rotate freely! If it is not rotating something is wrong.

Looking at this parts diagram: Do you have both "collars" in place? (see part#'s 28 and 29) ... ml#results
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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by tclayton9 »

I got the tire back on. took it for a ride and the rear end feels stiff like it has a little trouble pulling, but before I test drove it I made sure the wheel turned freely. when I pulled in my driveway I stopped to take a look at it. that's when I noticed the brake disc was hot as hell and that I had brake fluid leaking. i had a small leak from the bolt that connects the brake line. I checked it and put it back on. now I rode it now I have no rear brakes. fml
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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by pnbell »

Well, if you had a leak in your rear caliper you may either be low on fluid and/or have air in the line.

Here is what i would do:

-Take the rear caliper off
-Remove brake pads and push the piston all the way in (use should be able to do this by hand; but you can also lay a flat wrench across the piston to help)
-Then push the rear brake petal gentlely to push the piston slowly back out
-Then push the piston all the way back in
(Sometimes the pistons get gummed up and they don't move freely; doing the above steps a couple time will free it up and lubricate things) *As you do this, you'll notice the piston moves in and out easier.

-Then install the brake pads and install the caliper back on the bike.
- Now bleed the brakes; the rear caliper is very easy to bleed. *You should bleed the brakes completely until you are pushing out brand new fluid.

*Yes, use not fluid. Its not expensive and old fluid is bad; causes problems like you are having now.

This is all very easy, common and not a big deal at all ... Enjoy the learning experiance. :thumbsup:
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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by pnbell »

Also make sure there are no leaks, and that everything goes together straight and smooth. If you have to force something it is probably not correct.
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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by tclayton9 »

I never had to force anything, but I did have to tap the big tire bolt in a bit to get it through the other side. I have the bike jacked up now and the wheel is spinning freely. I started the bike to see If I would get any friction on the disc and I didn't get any. how would I bleed the breaks because I am very new to this.
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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by pnbell »

Air in your brake system expands with heat; so when it's cold it might not drag, but as it heats up it will expand and start dragging the brakes.

Search how to bleed brakes.

But basically: Locate the bleeder screw on the caliper; then you Pump the brake lever, Continue to hold the Brake lever down, Open the screw, Release pressurized fluid, Close the bleeder screw, Release the brake lever and Repeat until only brand new fluid comes out.

Make sure to keep the reservoir fluid level high enough so that it does not become empty and suck air into the system.
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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by tclayton9 »

OK thanks a lot I needed the help. I took the caliper off and the pistons were stuck.
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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by pnbell »

You're welcome.

As long as the caliper isn't that bad you should be able to get it unstuck and working properly again.

Let me know how it turns out.
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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by tclayton9 »

I f I turn the pistons with a pair of pilers to loosen them up would that harm them
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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by pnbell »

Don't touch the outer part of the pistons ... A scratch or gouge could cause them to leak.

You should be able to push them in (might have to use some man strength) If not, it might help use the brake pedal to push the pistons out a little bit, then try to push them back in by hand.. Just be careful not to push the pistons fully out of the caliper!

The real tool to use here would be a C-Clamp
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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by tclayton9 »

well I found my problem. its the master cylinder. I put in new brake fluid and I began pumping the brake lever to bleed them but there is no fluid coming from the line. I pressed the lever bout 100 tire with the caliper on and off and the only thing coming out is air and spurts of fluid.
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Re: need help changing rear tire

Post by pnbell »

continued discussion:

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