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Where to buy Gaskets from?!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:42 pm
by desmarat
I need a valve cover gasket asap! I just replaced the lower and upper block gaskets and then the valve cover gasket blew out after an hour of riding. I have already looked on ebay, and hate the company on there that sells them from the UK. Does anyone have one i could buy or know of a website i can purchase one from.

I need it for a 91 FZR600 (3HE)


Re: Where to buy Gaskets from?!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:07 pm
by GreyImport

Re: Where to buy Gaskets from?!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:14 pm
by DonTZ125
Your valve cover gasket "blew out"?! :headscratch:

Now THAT is something to investigate, find out WTF happened - there should be no load or pressure behind that gasket ... screwy

Re: Where to buy Gaskets from?!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:05 pm
by desmarat
yep, on the left side towards the motor. The small half moon shaped nub on the left side gave out and sprayed oil all over the floor in my garage. I know there is not an intended amount of pressure in there but is there any way that it happened because i did not change the gasket when i replaced the other ones. I know i should have, paying for it now!!! Any ideas where some extra pressure could be coming from? The bike ran good for an hour, took it around the block then down the road and about 30min on the highway and she did just fine with no problems. I came back home and started it up about an hour later, 2 min into idle it popped. So lost and hating myself for not replacing it to begin with.