Clutch Help - Can't get a smooth gear change
Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:59 am
Over the past few months my gear changes have gotten less smooth/accurate. The bite point is fine but when I let the clutch out at lower speeds it feels like it is engaging and the engine speed feels like its pauses and is dragging slightly (revs don't rise) then it seems to catch and the clutch engages with a noticeable clunk at the very end of the lever travel (not a clunk you can hear just feel it). At higher speeds there is no drag but I still get that clunk at the end. Going into first at a stop there is a definite clunk that you hear and feel but that seems normal for these bikes. It does not creep at all with the lever pulled in. All the gear changes feel very notchy at the foot lever. Finding neutral at a stop is harder than before.
Very occasionally it wont go into a gear and just grinds, usually when going up to third and higher (That could just be me though).
I have changed the oil (10w40 semi syn), checked the friction plates (all in spec), pressure plates (no blueing or warped plates and all in the right way round) springs are all good. Push rods and ball all good. Done the adjustment at the sprocket cover and clutch lever. Clutch baskets are lined up as they should be and everything torqued properly. The sprocket cover and the gear actuator inside were deep cleaned and greased. No noticeable notching on the clutch basket teeth. Drive chain slack is correct. Cush drives are fine. Foot lever is ok and properly adjusted.
I haven't changed the cable yet, but I don't think this is the issue, (got one on order just to be sure).
Are these early signs of the clutch slipping or something else?
Over the past few months my gear changes have gotten less smooth/accurate. The bite point is fine but when I let the clutch out at lower speeds it feels like it is engaging and the engine speed feels like its pauses and is dragging slightly (revs don't rise) then it seems to catch and the clutch engages with a noticeable clunk at the very end of the lever travel (not a clunk you can hear just feel it). At higher speeds there is no drag but I still get that clunk at the end. Going into first at a stop there is a definite clunk that you hear and feel but that seems normal for these bikes. It does not creep at all with the lever pulled in. All the gear changes feel very notchy at the foot lever. Finding neutral at a stop is harder than before.
Very occasionally it wont go into a gear and just grinds, usually when going up to third and higher (That could just be me though).
I have changed the oil (10w40 semi syn), checked the friction plates (all in spec), pressure plates (no blueing or warped plates and all in the right way round) springs are all good. Push rods and ball all good. Done the adjustment at the sprocket cover and clutch lever. Clutch baskets are lined up as they should be and everything torqued properly. The sprocket cover and the gear actuator inside were deep cleaned and greased. No noticeable notching on the clutch basket teeth. Drive chain slack is correct. Cush drives are fine. Foot lever is ok and properly adjusted.
I haven't changed the cable yet, but I don't think this is the issue, (got one on order just to be sure).
Are these early signs of the clutch slipping or something else?