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Electrical problems?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:23 pm
by treger_felix
Hello, i have a strange problem with my 1994 FZR 600 3HE. When i accelerate it runs fine, but when i reach about 7500-8000rpm, engine dies and i don't have any electrics: no headlamp, no horn, nothing. In all this time the key is in ON position and starter switch is also in ON position. When i push START norhing happend. Everything is back to normal after i turn the key in OFF position and after that in ON again. I check the rectifier, i have 14 volts almoust on any rpm. All the sensors (clutch, oil, etc) are OK. I measure the main relay diode for continuity and i measure 715 ohms on them. Is this right? Could be the TCI or coils?

Re: Electrical problems?

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:12 pm
by hawcer
Can you duplicate the problem in the shop or garage? If so, get her to die and check to make sure you have the same amount of voltage coming out of the ignition switch as what's going in from the battery. If so...then proceed on to look for other culprits like the VR.