blown gasket maby and lost my clutch??
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:47 pm
So I was driving down the highway and I go to take my exit and i realised I didn't have a clutch, there was no tension on it and when released it just stayed in there wss no tension to pull it back out so I clutchless shift to first and found a curb to ride up on there was no sholder so I rode it in that little raised triangular area you find sometimes when u exit a highway and killed it I get off and there is oil all over my rear tire shock and the bottom of my motor so I'm guessing whetever happened to my oil caused my clutch to not work I took off my front sprocket cover and everything looks in place for my clutch being in an apt I can work on it here will have to take it somewhere else just wondering if anyone had any idea how losing oil which I'm guessing is a bad gasket could cause me to have no clutch if anyone has any ideas please let me know if you have any questions of anyrhing I'm leaving out let me know ill answer the best I can