So, I bled the brakes for the FZR, put in new DOT4 brake fluid and now the brakes are rubbing on the rotors. It's getting to the point where it is very difficult to push because the brakes are rubbing on the rotors without any application of the brake lever. When I go to press the front brake lever all the way, very little pressure seemed to be applied to the rotors. So new Master Cylinder??
And to top it off, while riding the bike today, the headlight and the gauge lights started to dim, the bike felt like it was a bout to stall, so I pulled in the clutch and it just died. Couldn't get it started back up again so I had to walk/push it 10ish miles home

... I went home and charged the battery and measured the volts with the bike running and it reads 13.12 volts. Does this mean that that my VR/R is fried? I was just about to replace it too...
Any assistance is appreciated guys!
1993 FZR 600 w/ 92' front fairing swap, 520 conversion, Yoshimura R&D Exhaust, RaceTech springs.