Carbs cleaning(where to begin)
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Carbs cleaning(where to begin)
Hello to all fzr members. Im new here. Ive recently bought a fzr600 1993 and have attempted to clean my carbs. I do not know where to begin. Ive heard about adjusted floats,jets,air screw..Are these all nessasary or could I just buy a carb cleaner spray and spray the components and be done. 

Re: Carbs cleaning(where to begin)
There is a great video on carb cleaning in the stickied topics. When I cleaned mine for the first time, I just followed his video step by step. Now I can clean like a pro 

1992 FZR600: K&N filter, thatkid R6 header, Delkevic 8" silencer
Re: Carbs cleaning(where to begin)
^^ Great video and exactly what I am going to follow when I clean my carbs this weekend.