misfire at 1/8th throttle

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falling angel
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misfire at 1/8th throttle

Post by falling angel »

The bike came with pods and would miss (feels/sounds like one cylinder is missing) at 1/8th throttle. Pretty much right when you use the throttle to take off or slightly accelerate. Bit more throttle, starts pulling very smoothly.

Just rejetter 110 mains, 3rd from bottom on needle, 2.5 turns out, floats set at 24mm. New plugs were installed also. The bike will start up with no issue and runs strong other than that dead spot in the throttle. The issue wasnt quite as noticable on the first two rides, just felt like a flat spot but did not yet seem to be misfiring. Got a bit worse once I was about 50 miles past installing new plugs.

I dont have any cssh to throw at it for new parts. Im thinking it could be a few things. Iffy carb possibly, bad coil pack, valves out of adjustment, plug wires, stuck float or a lean/rich running condition.

Carbs are well cleaned. One of the needles (dynojet) had a bit of pitting but moved freely. Emulsion tubes do not look to be out of round. Does this at pretty much any rpm. The bike pulls strong, feels like warp drive about 6500rpm and above.

Any ideas where I should start with this?
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Re: misfire at 1/8th throttle

Post by DonTZ125 »

Re-clean or replace your pilot jets; they are quite difficult to get pristine.

I'm on my phone so no link, but do a search for tuning pods and PVC pipe - you want to correct the tuned length of your intake tract.
falling angel
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Re: misfire at 1/8th throttle

Post by falling angel »

I put a stocker on there. Was quite loud full throttle with the pods. Sounds like one of the pilot circuits may be gummed?
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