bike only stays on when choke is on or given throttle

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bike only stays on when choke is on or given throttle

Post by eric22rob »

How do you adjust the idle on a 95 yamaha fzr 600? the bike only stays on when choke is on if im giving it gas. when you stop giving it gas like 5 seconds later it turns off by itself. i heard that maybe the idle needs to be adjusted for the rpms to be higher is this true? any suggestions would be helpful also what would the cost be to get something like this fixed? i need step by step on how to adjust the idle i know nothing about bikes and where things are located please help, thank you!
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Re: bike only stays on when choke is on or given throttle

Post by DonTZ125 »

If this happens while cold, this is perfectly normal. If it needs choke to idle once warmed up, then either your pilot jets are fouled and you need to clean your carbs, or you have a massive air leak. Check your airbox and filter for condition and security (and existence, knowing some previous owners).
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Re: bike only stays on when choke is on or given throttle

Post by tclayton9 »

Will the airbox effect the idle at all. If the choke is fully off, and the airbox is halfway on, is it normal for the bike to cut off and not idle.
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Re: bike only stays on when choke is on or given throttle

Post by DonTZ125 »

With the airbox off, the airflow is wrong, so it's entirely possible that you won't get a good idle.
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Re: bike only stays on when choke is on or given throttle

Post by tclayton9 »

my 1993 was bought with the stock air box. Before I fixed it myself and got it running, this guy was suppose to get it running for me. He tried to put the air box on by heating the velocity stacks but he melted the crap out of them and flipped them upside and tried to hide it from me. I didnt notice it until I started working on the bike. To mount the only air box i have, I have to pull the velocity stacks out, flip them upside down, and force them to stay on until I can find me a good air box. When it stays on like its suppose to it runs, but it runs lean ( when i drive it and remove my hand from the throttle and pull the clutch in the rpms hang). it does idle with the choke off. But today i noticed that with the choke off it will fall on its face when i hold the clutch in to shift, so i have to run it with the choke slightly on. I am thinking the problem is my airbox.
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Re: bike only stays on when choke is on or given throttle

Post by DonTZ125 »

Sounds more like the boots than the airbox. Time for new rubber ...
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Re: bike only stays on when choke is on or given throttle

Post by tclayton9 »

I thought about buying 4 new velocity stacks but they are 60 dollars for all 4, so my second option is finding an airbox thats used
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Re: bike only stays on when choke is on or given throttle

Post by DonTZ125 »

3HE-14453-00-00 JOINT,AIR CLNR 1; $11.44 each at Partzilla + $6.95 shipping. You won't pay an awful lot less for another airbox (shipping on something the size of a small suitcase is going to suck), which may come with boots that are just as crappy.

For the trivial difference in price, get the new boots.
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Re: bike only stays on when choke is on or given throttle

Post by tclayton9 »

ok thanks for the advice. my air box is fine so i guess it makes since to just buy new boots.
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