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Please help my bike won't start
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:11 pm
by Bigste987
Please can someone help me I am a complete novice when it comes to motorbikes,
Just had bike tax tested after the winter and put 150 miles on it over weekend went to start it today after 3 days and it won't start, press start button bike tries to turn over and seems to stop, fearing maybe seized but can't understand why has I put correct oil levels in, and checked it since bike still has oil in
Any advice/theories would be appreciated
I have fzr 600 fox eye
Cheers ste
Re: Please help my bike won't start
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:37 pm
by Clanky
If it's been laid up a while it'd be worth checking the battery is ok first and holding a charge.
It must have run ok to get to the testing station so did you trickle charge the battery to start it up for that? If you did and it ran ok it may be that it's not charging properly and drained again.
Re: Please help my bike won't start
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:28 pm
by DonTZ125
When you say it tries to turn over then stops, is this a rapid-yet-gradual winding down, or an abrupt and violent whack? The first would likely be a flat battery, the second due to a case of hydrolock. Pull the plugs, put it in gear, push it along, see if gas comes out.
Re: Please help my bike won't start
Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 1:10 pm
by pnbell
Most likely the battery. If you just rode it and you changed nothing since then it's likely the battery just doesn't have enough charge to crank the bike.
If you have a Multimeter i suggest checking the Voltage of the battery, anything lower than 12v won't be able to crank the bike.
I would try push starting it; had to do this to mine a few months ago because the battery was low. (Turn the key on, Pull the choke lever up, Put kill switch to go [should hear fuel pump], put the bike in 2nd gear, pull the clutch in, run with the bike for a few steps, let the clutch lever out, the engine will turn over, and be prepared to pull clutch lever back in once its started or the bike will stall [or maybe drive away and find a new owner])
let us know what you find out.