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Shorty muffler for 89 FZR600?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:36 pm
by RenoRattler
Anyone have any experience with a shorty slip on? I've had my 600 for a few years, done a couple small things here and there. I like loud pipes, looking for something cheap. Not really interested in sinking a couple hundred in for the V&H SS2r....this is a cheap ride for me. I was looking at something like this.... ... 76&vxp=mtr

Re: Shorty muffler for 89 FZR600?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:16 pm
by thatkid
Just go down to autozone and pick up a car tail pipe if that's what you want. Cost you about 10 bucks. Loud bikes are annoying to everyone around you. It will also make your bike run like crap with no back pressure. Find an older R6 shorty can on ebay and attach it. You get shorty can for a reasonable price that won't kill performance.

Re: Shorty muffler for 89 FZR600?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:21 pm
by fzrbrandon
If you want loud for loud's sake, that's a bad idea. All it will do is piss people off and attract cops (perpetuating a stereotype in the process). The myth that "loud pipes save lives" is exactly that - a myth. If you want a can because it sounds nice, cool, etc. - that's different. I'm down for having a nice sounding pipe. Both of my bikes have aftermarket exhausts (the third will too). However, nice sounding and flat-out loud are two different things. I normally don't chime in on posts like this but the fact that I had some d-bag a**hole scream down my street in the middle of the night last night while my family and I were trying to sleep prompted me to say something here.

Re: Shorty muffler for 89 FZR600?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:30 pm
by Kenny two guns
Also with all of the above being said running with an exhaust that minimizes backpressure can also damage your valves from what I have heard..

Re: Shorty muffler for 89 FZR600?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:39 pm
by Hamaya
I just installed a set of R6 headers from ThatKid on my bike, and the Delkevic 9" silencer meant for an R6 fits up pretty nicely. I haven't ridden with it yet, just started it in my garage, but this "silencer" is loud. Hopefully it won't be too obnoxious while riding. At least it sounds better than my old beat up Yoshi can. The carbon fiber looks really nice too.

Re: Shorty muffler for 89 FZR600?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:36 am
by thatkid
And I just stocked up on more R6 headers! Coated and uncoated.