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Can't remove wheel bearings, they're stuck...

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:57 pm
by Harrysf707
Hi guys, how do you remove the wheel bearings?!?! My bearings froze so I decided to change them out for new ones. However I can't seem to get them out, currently I'm using this tool ... -4876.html Needless to say it didn't there an alternative way to get the bearings out? try a different bearing puller? Which ones do you recommend? I'm almost done restoring the FZR this is one of the last things I need to do and the bearings are in the way! lol Thanks!

Re: Can't remove wheel bearings, they're stuck...

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:30 pm
by Conrad
Its not the ideal way to do it, but if there's no other way you can always use a dremmel and cutting disk to get them out.

Re: Can't remove wheel bearings, they're stuck...

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:47 pm
by fzrbrandon
Heat up the area around the bearings with a heat gun then pound them out with a hammer and a drift. Work your way around the race one pound at a time. 12 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 9 o'clock, etc. until they pop out. The bearings WILL be destroyed but it's a moot point since you're replacing them anyways.

Oh, and when you're putting in the new ones, don't forget to put in the spacer before installing the second bearing set. Otherwise, you will be buying ANOTHER set of bearings. banghead

Before you install the new bearings - purchase sockets with the same outside diameter as the inside diameter of the wheel hub where the bearing goes. This way, you can pound on the socket which will drive the bearing into place. If you pound directly on the bearing... well... you can probably figure out that this is bad...

Good luck. :thumbsup:

Re: Can't remove wheel bearings, they're stuck...

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:26 pm
by fzrbrandon
BillyB wrote:
fzrbrandon wrote:Heat up the area around the bearings with a heat gun then pound them out with a hammer and a drift. Work your way around the race one pound at a time. 12 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 9 o'clock, etc. until they pop out. The bearings WILL be destroyed but it's a moot point since you're replacing them anyways.

Oh, and when you're putting in the new ones, don't forget to put in the spacer before installing the second bearing set. Otherwise, you will be buying ANOTHER set of bearings. banghead

Before you install the new bearings - purchase sockets with the same outside diameter as the inside diameter of the wheel hub where the bearing goes. This way, you can pound on the socket which will drive the bearing into place. If you pound directly on the bearing... well... you can probably figure out that this is bad...

Good luck. :thumbsup:
Hey thanks for the advice man it's appreciated. Dare I add that any burrs that could occur from the hammering/pounding must be removed from the Bearings seat, otherwise said bearing wont sit true and won't last very long
Since you're pounding on the bearing races (and they're steel), I've never had an issue with burrs. But the advice is still well to be given. Always a good idea to inspect / clean up before installing the new bearings. :cheers:

Re: Can't remove wheel bearings, they're stuck...

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:28 pm
by Harrysf707
Thanks! It's too late to try tonight but, I will definitely try tomorrow! Oh and FzrBrandon, this might be a dumb question but would the spacers already be in the wheel? Or would I have to buy new ones? This is the first time ever I'm doing anything bearing related....

Re: Can't remove wheel bearings, they're stuck...

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:11 am
by fzrbrandon
Harrysf707 wrote:Thanks! It's too late to try tonight but, I will definitely try tomorrow! Oh and FzrBrandon, this might be a dumb question but would the spacers already be in the wheel? Or would I have to buy new ones? This is the first time ever I'm doing anything bearing related....
The spacers are inside the wheels (one for each). In fact, when you go to pound out the first bearing, you will need to move the spacer out of the way (they kind of slant inside the hub). They don't move far but they DO move far enough for you to get the drift in the inner race of the bearing. It's kind of hard to put into words but I think you'll see what I'm talking about once you start the job.

Re: Can't remove wheel bearings, they're stuck...

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:31 am
by DonTZ125
Definitely clean and deburr the bearing socket. The spacers are there to ensure the tension generated by the axle nut torque is taken across the inner race, and not causing a side load on the bearings. You almost certainly have spacers in there, but don't lose them - they are (apparently) out of production and VERY difficult to come by.

Re: Can't remove wheel bearings, they're stuck...

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:28 am
by GreyImport
Put the wheel in the sun and the bearing in the freezer
Put a little lubricant on the outside of the bearing to help it slide in
Check the spacer is sitting square as u knock the second bearing in
Make sure it goes in evenly and is fully seated when u finish

Re: Can't remove wheel bearings, they're stuck...

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:47 pm
by Harrysf707
GreyImport wrote:Put the wheel in the sun and the bearing in the freezer
Put a little lubricant on the outside of the bearing to help it slide in
Check the spacer is sitting square as u knock the second bearing in
Make sure it goes in evenly and is fully seated when u finish
Will do! Thanks. I don't trust myself with just using a hammer and a flathead to pound it out...i'm going to wait until the yool kit that I ordered arrives...ugh more waiting...