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Bouncing Tach And Speed Gauge My 97

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:01 am
by KillerCobra
So I just got my bike yesterday and noticed my gauges bounce. Temp, rpm and speed. Also at about 75 or 80 my speedometer goes back and forth from 75/80 to 95. It sitcks at both speeds for a second. Did this the whole way home yesterday. Anyone else ever have this problem? I tried to search but there was nothing about this that came up on the search function.

Re: Bouncing Tach And Speed Gauge My 97

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:02 pm
by KillerCobra
Anyone? If its normal for this old of a bike I'd like to know that as well. I was asking because every video I've seen on youtube of my bike and year the tach and speedometer were NOT doing this.

Re: Bouncing Tach And Speed Gauge My 97

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:31 pm
by pefrey
Not normal. That's the only thing you notice? The bike isn't surging or skipping or anything? I had this happen with my bike (although I only noticed the tach) and the bike sputtered a bit. It turned out to be a loose battery cable.

Re: Bouncing Tach And Speed Gauge My 97

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:06 pm
by KillerCobra
It bogs a little around 7k for a second if I gun it from a light in first. The throttle is a little weird too its not very responsive at one point and I slightly roll it more and all of a sudden it wants to take off and when I let off a little it keeps going like I pulled it further than I did. (I dont know how else to explain it haha)

Re: Bouncing Tach And Speed Gauge My 97

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 6:01 pm
by pefrey
Check your throttle cables and that you have two of them. Also, check your battery cables just for kicks. Except for the stutter at 7K that you report (which is a jetting issue in the carb) your symptoms sound pretty similar to what I experienced when I had a loose battery cable. I think I recall that my speedo jumped too, didn't notice what the temp gauge may or may not have done. I was on a track and promptly pulled in to investigate. Also on a 97 btw but that doesn't matter.

Re: Bouncing Tach And Speed Gauge My 97

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:03 pm
by KillerCobra
What do you mean by two throttle cables? Two coming off the handle or is there somewhere else you are referring to? And about the jetting problem how is this fixed? I'm currently running seafoam through the gas.

Re: Bouncing Tach And Speed Gauge My 97

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:27 pm
by pefrey
There should be two separate cables running from the throttle into the engine. One pull when you open the throttle, and the other pulls when you close the throttle. Some people take off the one that closes the throttle.

I would not worry about the jetting just yet. One problem at a time otherwise you could be working against yourself. If it simply stumbles a little at 7K but recovers and pulls hard to redline, it's nothing to worry about. Get to it some other time.

Re: Bouncing Tach And Speed Gauge My 97

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:45 am
by KillerCobra
It does catch and pull 'till redline. Good suggestion to worry about it later. I'll double check for two cables after work. Thanks for your time by the way.

Re: Bouncing Tach And Speed Gauge My 97

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:36 am
by KillerCobra
Both cables are there. If noticed its gone down some. I put air in the tires (po sold to me with 1/2 the suggested psi). Might also be because I ride it everyday to work. The po had it sitting for a few months.